WTF is it with Chemo!

Kim R
Kim R Member Posts: 146
edited November 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Hi All,

just had to get a few things off my chest, sorry for bad language but sometimes I just have to let fly, just to myself understand. I never really complain to the family.

Every chemo circle has thrown a new ball at me! So this is just a bit of info for others starting out and I sure hope everything goes smoothly for everyone under taking the adventure of chemotherapy.

First cycle, feeling rotten as expected, than hair loss as expected from day 12 to 19 but only on my head and pubs, no hair loss since. I should not speak too soon as I am only 6 days out from last chemo. (Yes last chemo! nearly there at the finish line.) I have my eye brows and lashes, a little lighter but hanging in. After blood test I had 0.1 neurophils, so went into self imposed quarantine. Taste has gone everything is salty and bland (sometimes I taste acetone) but I have started to have food fantasies. I am waiting to have prawns wrapped in bacon with a G&T but even writing this makes me nauseous today!

Second cycle, chemo brain, is this my new normal?! words escape me so sorry for spelling. I had an injection to keep my neurophils higher which had the effect of making every joint ache. This really is a nasty joke sometimes. Doctor told me at the start I would feel ordinary for a week than would be able to continue normally for 2 weeks! Well I get 2 normal days and I make the most of them. 

Third cycle, I was cruising until I developed a leg infection from just a little hair follicle that decided to go septic, I have been on antibiotics since but improving. Than I developed neuropathy in my feet, I could not walk for 4 days it felt like I had burnt my feet on hot tar. My feet have improved, they were hot and red, I keep them in cold water when I can but they are just numb now. This neuropathy did threaten to stop or delay my chemo, so please take it seriously if it happens to you. In the end the doctor reduced my dose and I have my fingers crossed.

Forth and last!!!!, I hope I have my feet under control. Food fantasies increasing. My skin this time is very tender and feels a bit prickly and my right eye has developed a twitch. My eyes are a little weaker, so not much reading happening. I circum to waves of tiredness, so I am day time napping. I have taking up sleeping tablets again at night and finally I have had a couple of good nights sleep.  So lesson is  take the medications your doctors prescribe and tell them every little symptom you feel and you will get though only feeling a little battered.  

I am lucky and I am so glad that I live in an age of wonderful medical research and have had the benefit of caring support professionals and family. I am counting my luck starts every day.

Next step Radiation to start in 2 weeks, I will be finished treatment by Christmas and a very happy new year!

cheers all

thanks for listening



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,428
    edited November 2015

    Dear Kim

    Vitamin B may help your neuropathy. I had real problems with my feet ( fingertips too but not so badly) which stopped getting worse when I started taking vitamin B supplements. May have been coincidental! Check with your oncologist, but extra vitamin B is unlikely to affect anything else so worth a go. A you say it can be serious (although likely to improve after chemo stops, mine did) but you need the additional worry like a hole in the head!

    Rant away - it's therapeutic and this network is very good for venting!

    Good luck

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited November 2015

    Hi Kim, that has been a rough spin for you. You have a right to be frustrated nd over it. This is a safe place to vent, as we do understand here. I hope that your rads go mire smoothly for you. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited November 2015

    Thanks for the tip. My feet have improved a lot just numb now, it is all such a worry. It is good to find a place were support and good advice abounds. Xxkim 

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited November 2015

    Thank you, I am now smiling! I can see the end I am hoping radiation will be a walk in the park. X Kim 

  • Shereeducey
    Shereeducey Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2015

    Hi Kim I know your post was a little while ago ,however I am new to the site and checking out blogs, I too had sore feet when I had chemo with my first diagnosis, as soon as I mentioned this to my oncologist she straight away stopped the chemo, I also was throne into heart failure from chemo as I already was compromised with my heart, I am still having big problems with that now, 9 yrs later. Hang in there things will settle, If anyone is interested and able to find it, I when I had radiotherapy I was recommended a cream called Wheat Grass ointment available at some health food stores I use to massage this on my breast daily and oh what a relief only had very slight redness no burning at all. I also loved losing my hair I would go to work in between treatments bald as I got my hairdresser to shave what was left, I felt liberated and felt great about myself even with no hair so be proud of that too. Hope all goes well and yes I am ranting a little as well. Good luck Sheree x happy new year

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2016

    Hi Sheree,

    i surived radio with out to much drama, just tiredness.

    chemo certainly knocks your body around, not good to hear about your heart problems.

    i must not be confident enough to go all out there bald, wish I was!

    i am improving everyday.

    all the best Kim