Expert tips and advice.
Hi everyone, it's Workout Wednesday at BCNA. This week I have been hearing from the team that they are tired and are lacking motivation, so tonight's session will be about fun and listening to our bodies. I wanted to share this information from an article in The beacon (73 summer 2015). Dr Sandi Hayes is a Senior Research…
Tomorrow I become a grandma
Hi All, I hope you are all travelling well. I have a young lady in my life, Courtney, who I have known and loved since she was 3 years old. She's the daughter I never had. It's a long story but she is estranged from her family and I have become mum. Tomorrow she is having her baby, my grandson. One thing, amongst others,…
Fertility and public/private question
Hey Lovely ladies, I'm new to cancer and new to Australia so got tons of questions ;) I'm 35 no kids, no private insurance. I know I need to think quickly about preserving my fertility. 1. I was forwarded by my surgeon to IVF Australia to undergo a round of IVF. I was told there will be an out of pocket expense. Is this…
Morning everyone I'm heading to my last week of leave. I feel so rested, yesterday I cooked beetroot relish and a apple cake. I love to cook and really haven't done much of late. With work and feeling so tired all the time. I'm hoping 2016 will be a better year. I had all these plans to do a clear out of stuff but running…
Grateful for each day
Hi everyone, i just reread a post by Nadi dated 11th February. She so beautifully put into words the feelings for her husband that I have for my husband. I'm a bit down today, no reason but my husband always tries to boost me. We don't celebrate Valentine's Day but we just wish each other a lovely day. When I look in the…
Hey you!
my uninvited guest
Hi new friends, I have never written a blog so this will be more of a ramble that I hope makes sense. I have had an interesting few years since 2009 starting with a Uveitis flare, a recurrent eye disease due to my testing positive to the HLAB27 gene, I managed to keep it at bay for about 2 years without a flare, only to be…
First round felt too good to be true
Hi ladies, day 13,after my first chemo,i have had no bad side effects,apart from mild nausea,constipation,ive been very well, no sleep,well very little,if anything i feel hyped ,no my normal self,anyway i saw oncologist today, and it seems the chemo didnt really do its job,so next round will be more potent,poor me,and here…
Don't be afraid to 'loose it'!
Gee we can really be our own worst enemies sometimes. We try to hide our fears and struggles from those around us. It is pretty natural to want to protect our children (even if they are adults) from the scary side of bc, but I wonder if this is always the right way to go about things. If we continue to bottle up all those…
Morning Troopers! I guess I am blessed in that I have a bit of a break while I recover from my surgery until I start active treatment...I'm expecting way too much of myself and want to jam pack these days with a lot! I have to step back and tell myself that it's only been three days since my re excision! This morning I got…
How extreme have you been!
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to get some activity in. I wanted to share with you one of our events taking place this weekend. Brave for BCNA will be happening on Sunday 14th February, Valentines Day. We have participants in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane who will be jumping from up…
Day 3 after chemo 2
Day 3 after chemo 2, Sun 7th Feb. I got up this morning at 5 and breakfast done and dogs walked by 6.30am. I had a bit of a nap after that but I seem to have not bad energy today and no side effects worthy of note. I even cleaned the neglected for a month vanity basin, snuck out while it was shady and pruned a few little…
You do get through this
Hi everyone, When I was first diagnosed I was shocked and terrified, like most of you. Unfortunately it seemed that the news just kept getting worse. It was bigger than the mammogram showed, it had spread to my lymph nodes. Even though I had had a mastectomy I would still need radiotherapy after Chemo. My mind kind of shut…
A weighty issue
Hi all i finished chemo end of August last year, had surgery three weeks later and finished my radiotherapy end of November. I'm finding it really hard to shift weight since I stopped treatment despite eating (relatively) well and working out three times a week. Normally this would have seen weight come off quite quickly…
Breathing a sigh of relief
I am sitting here having my 3rd cycle of chemo through my newly inserted port. After a lot of pain using it to get bloods yesterday I was apprehensive about how I would go today. I was given an elma patch with local anaesthetic to put on an hour before. When the dreaded time came I DIDN'T FEEL A THING. Hallelujah! What a…