Video: Difficult Patients by Oncologist Brian Wojciechowski
I am often reading blogs from women who are not entirely sure why they are having one treatment over another type of treatment or are perhaps confused or frightened due to lack of proper consultation. As women we generally don't "want to be a bother". We respect and know specialists are very busy but I am a "difficult…
Breast Cancer in the desert....
I have just joined BCNA. I was diagnosed with Stage 2b luminal b breast cancer aged 48 last August. I am currently 7 months into my treatment. I had neo adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery. I have radiation and hormone therapy to go. My prognosis is not fabulous as my post-operative pathology report showed…
Everyday.. I'm shufflin"
Day 7 - after round three Well I pushed myself a bit far and cleaned the bathroom yesterday....and today I am paying for that impulsive act. May arms feel like they are going to drop off and I have the zombie shuffle happening again..... I did my exercises this morning, but couldn't do as many this time around.... I have a…
Nourishing Knowledge Blog Post One: Learning the Labels
Choosing pre-packaged foods low in fat, sugar and salt and high in dietary fibre are often hard to find on the supermarket shelves. Especially when companies are very sneaky in the way they market and advertise how ‘healthy’ their product may be. Here are some useful tools to navigate your way around a food label. The…
Weekend Workouts Blog Post One: Stand Up Paddle Boarding
Image Source: http://www.pacifico-costarica.com Stand up paddle boarding (SUP) originated in Hawaii as an off shoot of surfing. Don’t let the idea of catching monstrous waves in the freezing cold ocean put you off, because stand up paddle boards are much longer, wider and more buoyant than 'normal' surfboards, enabling you…
I'm out of sync with life...
Day 8 - after round three Disappointment noun sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one's hopes or expectations Had an ordinary day yesterday...low energy etcetera...etcetera Had an awkward sleep too...a night filled with short burst dreams...waking and staring at the ceiling...going to the bathroom. At…
Smiling Mind Workshop – Melbourne VIC
Building Healthy Young Minds: A workshop for educators, parents and health professionals Join Smiling Mind and learn about how to build resilient, empathetic young people through unlocking the benefits of mindfulness. When: 19th April, 7:30pm Where: TH King Oval - High St Glen Iris, Victoria Cost: $ 67.62 Purchase tickets…
Take a Walk in the Park...
Take a Walk in The Park Day - an unofficial (but we think fantastic) holiday to encourage us all to get active. Here at BCNA we encourage you to walk more. Walking is a wonderful, low impact exercise and the fresh air does you a world of good. Why not post us a photo of your walk in the park? Ann-Marie our Online Community…
Take to hospital
Practical advice for hospital My friend gave me this the day before I was in for my mastectomy/reconstruction, and I was so grateful. I was taking in a nightie, but she told me to take pyjamas instead. The reason is that they are forever checking your dressings, and you will have drains coming out at breast level. The only…
Let me introduce myslef..
Good Morning 'Get Active and Keep Well' online network! My name is Fiona and I have just begun working with BCNA as the Active and Well Program Officer. I'm super excited to be part of the BCNA team as well as part of the Get Active and Keep Well online network. I look forward to getting to know you all through this…
Chemo and Radition done n dusted
Hi everyone, Feeling emotional....Chemo and Radiation all done and dusted. I will miss my crew at the radiation centre mostly, they even rang the bell 3 times this morning to celebrate I was done. Still have a few more months of herceptin but the hard part is over. To all who have just started treatment there is light at…
I am wanting to do more walking to increase my fitness but am finding that after having chemo followed by radiotherapy that now my knees and feet get really painful and tender and take about 5 days to settle and do not seem to be helped by ibuprofen. I am still having three weekly Herceptin and know that this probably does…
Take a walk in the park day!
Pinkmoves - Heartmoves for Breast Cancer
Pinkmoves is running an accredited training for fitness instructors. They are looking for 6 - 8 women with breast cancer willing to participate in a class. Can you help? • Friday 1st April • Brisbane - George Williams Hotel317-325 George St, Brisbane QLD 4000 • 9.00 am start for pre-screening followed by the class, then a…
Have you tried Dragon Boating?
BCNA Community Liaison Jill Hicks with her team of fanatic Dragon Boater's at last year's World Champs in Canada! Jill's team will be competing at the National Dragonboat races in Adelaide in a couple of weeks and has been invited to compete in China in April. We wish them all the best! To link up with a Dragon Boat team…