Weekend Workouts Blog Post One: Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Fiona_BCNA Member Posts: 75
edited April 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Image Source: http://www.pacifico-costarica.com

Stand up paddle boarding (SUP) originated in Hawaii as an off shoot of surfing. Don’t let the idea of catching monstrous waves in the freezing cold ocean put you off, because stand up paddle boards are much longer, wider and more buoyant than 'normal' surfboards, enabling you to comfortably balance on them and propel yourself with the paddle. Not to mention heaps of fun!

Stand up paddle boarding can be done in a variety of ways, including flat water paddling for outdoor recreation, fitness, or sightseeing, SUP Yoga, and even fishing. You don’t need to be near the ocean either, many landlocked SUPers use their boards to explore lakes and rivers for those by the coast who don't want to surf, there are plenty of estuaries and harbours to be explored.

Stand up paddle boarding is not only a load of fun it can provide you with a very good overall workout and in turn provide a multitude of health benefits.

Fitness and Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddle Boarding
With regular Stand Up Paddle Boarding you may experience the following:

Fitness Benefits: One of the clear benefits of SUP is the very fast and obvious improvement to your fitness levels. Improvements can be made simultaneously in strength, balance, coordination and cardio fitness. Stand up paddle boarding will provide you with a great core workout as well. Almost every muscle in the body is used at some point.

During stand up paddle boarding, your leg muscles will be hard at work attempting to maintain your balance. In addition, paddling utilizes the arms, back, and shoulders to propel the paddleboard in the water. The core, back and abdominal muscles are constantly at work to maintain your balance.

One of the great things about stand up paddle boarding is that it is a very low impact exercise, so it is unlikely that you will do damage to the tendons and ligaments of your joints.

Health Benefits: There are valuable cardiovascular benefits to regular stand up paddle boarding. You will be able to substantially improve your level of cardiovasular fitness. This translates into many benefits for your body, including a decreased incidence of heart attack and stroke. In addition, you are going to burn a lot of calories. This will likely translate into a loss of weight.

There is one more great benefit to be aware of… it is very relaxing and a great way to relieve stress. Once you get out on the water and start paddling, you can literally feel your body and mind relaxing as you get into the paddling rhythm.

Sounds great! Where can I try SUP? Paddle boards can be hired from a number of companies across Australia. Pricing varies but boards are generally available from $20-$30 an hour or from $100 a day. Lessons and tours are also available through many of the hire companies and are ideal for beginners or groups.

Some tips and tricks for those new to stand up paddle boarding:
If you have never tried paddle boarding before, it might be easier to start on flat water and pick a day where the wind isn’t too strong. At first, you may find it easier to kneel on the board rather than to stand upright, whether standing or kneeling straighten up a little, and if standing bend your knees.  Slow the whole paddle action right down.  One hand on the handle, other hand just 5cm below it and paddle. Now begin to inch your lower hand down the paddle until you find the sweet spot.   Remembering to use your whole body to drive the paddle, straighten those arms, and use your back, core and legs. Visualise the paddle as "see-saw".  Your lower arm is the central pivot point, your upper arm pushes, and the rest of your body rotates and pulls the paddle through. Feel every muscle involved.  In the early days, you simply may not have the muscle strength to get a powerful, fluid stroke, but over time your muscles will respond and they will grow, making more and more power available each session.

Most importantly, enjoy yourself, keep safe & have fun!

Note: never go out on the water alone, wear a life jacket and if you are not a confident swimmer, stay close to land.

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