Everyday.. I'm shufflin"

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited April 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Day 7 - after round three

Well I pushed myself a bit far and cleaned the bathroom yesterday....and today I am paying for that impulsive act.

May arms feel like they are going to drop off and I have the zombie shuffle happening again.....

I did my exercises this morning, but couldn't do as many this time around.... I have a bit of heartburn but no nausea....My gums have that roughed up feeling to them again and so does the roof of my mouth...I had this last round, so am making a mental note about the day it appears after chemo....

I did manage to clipper my hair, I am fed up with the long wispy bits that are left, so off they came :) It actually feels better. It's such a time saver not having to style or even wash my hair....but I do miss having hair to style! Oh well, good money saver for now at least!

I hate that I'm so tired...so tired that you actually can't sleep...have tried to nap, but to no avail....my body says "No! don't want to lie down", my mind says "system rebooting".....every thought and action replaying in my head! Arrgh!

At least my mind is a little less foggy today. But it's hard to concentrate on anything.....I'm surprised it hasn't shut down completely, with all the thinking, wondering and staring blankly at the TV screen.

I have to tell myself it's only day 7 since chemo, expecting too much of myself again, and that things WILL get better from day 10....that leaves 10 days of feeling good until the next round... *sigh*

Might have a cup of tea and watch more TV...
Enjoy your afternoon!


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    edited April 2016

    Crumbs!  Nothing worse than feeling yuk!  Hope the cuppa tea brings pleasure.  Rest is the key


    Not trying to tell you how to look after yourself; this link helps you understand where you are at and what you might be able to do to help combat some of the yuckiness!

    Take care I'm willing you through this

    Christine xx

  • Jennybutter
    Jennybutter Member Posts: 156
    edited April 2016

    Isn't it boring having to rest when you don't want to. I am on a farm and after my first round of chemo I still rode my horse and even did the BCNA 5 k walk, silly silly I was. I quicky realized that I had to listen to my body and slow down. My oncologist said Jen you don't ride horses and do fun runs on chemo, my 2nd round was a doozey. Now I am finished I look back on the chemo treatments as a real test.

    I just pottered around, went for short walks around the farm (it helps) and ate lots of lemonade icy poles and slept when I had too.

    Be kind to yourself, sending you hugs.

    Cheers Jen ?? ?? ?? xx  

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited April 2016

    Oh I know the arms dropping off feeling. My legs feel like they are dropping off from yesterdays minor activity. Virtually 6 months of being wrapped in cotton wool so as not to scratch myself on anything and limited exercise and I am paying dearly trying to get back to normal now. To think I used to spend my days renovating houses lol. Distant memory now.

  • gurneys
    gurneys Member Posts: 224
    edited April 2016

    I hear ya!!

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited April 2016

    You are doing so well to be able to do exercises and clean the bathroom! Even though you are paying for it now.  From day 3-10 I couldn't function at all. I couldn't eat anything except lemonade icy poles and if I managed to have a shower and get dressed I thought I was doing really well. I managed to work 2 days a week on the 2nd and 3rd weeks but looking back now, I have no idea how I managed it. The overwhelming exhaustion when you just have to stop and put your head down  still hits me every now and then and I finished treatment 9 months ago.  Just go with the flow and take it how it comes. If you feel up to doing something then do it. If you can't then just stop and rest. Hang in there. You're getting through and doing really well. Karen xox

  • Jennyho
    Jennyho Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2016

    That 'expecting too much of yourself' is a killer I am finding.  If there is anything positive about Cancer it is having an excuse to be kind to yourself. Keep shuffling...but slowly!

    Regards, Jenny

  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    edited April 2016

    Me too!  My friend suggested lying down and listening to pod casts, they send her to sleep easily.  I have tried it and it sometimes works.  Good luck.  Chemo will end one day.