Weekend Workout Blog Post Seven: Gardening
Image Source: alreadyhome.com.au Gardening has many health and therapeutic benefits and can be very enjoyable. It’s an activity that everyone can enjoy. Whether your garden is a small balcony planter, a backyard vegetable garden or a plot in a community garden, gardening is a very healthy hobby, on so many levels. Studies…
Nourishing Knowledge Blog Post Eight: Foods that Fill You
Image Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com One strategy for maintaining a healthy diet is to eat more substantial food. They have important nutrients and help you to feel fuller for longer. Filling foods tend to have the following characteristics: * High in protein: Protein is the most filling macronutrient. Eating small…
Mindful Mondays Blog Post Five: Mindful Colouring
Image Source: borderlinebabble.com Colouring-in may be something you remember fondly from your childhood. It has become a popular past-time for adults recently and for good reason. It might seem strange that something as simple as using a coloring book could actually be beneficial, but research continually supports this…
The Ultimate Journey for a Cure
As promised, some photos (sorry, only these two will post!) from my Nepalese Trek to the Base Camp of Mt Everest. It was both harder than I could ever have imagined and more rewarding than I could ever have imagined. It was so much better than I thought it would be, the scenery, the people and everything else. I got there,…
Facebook Post - Johnann
Did you see the great Facebook post sharing Johnann's experience with Revitalise with BCNA six week online program?
Nourishing Knowledge Blog Post Seven: Processed Foods
Image Source: www.naturallifeenergy.com Processed food has a very bad reputation when it comes to nutrition and health but what many people don’t realise is that processed food is more than just potato chips, drive-through hamburgers and Spam. It may come as a surprise but wholemeal bread, homemade soup and even a chopped…
Mindful Mondays Blog Post Four: mindfulness in everyday activities
Our lives are comprised of moments, one after another. For instance, today you may have woken up, turned off your alarm, got up, showered, dried yourself, had breakfast, travelled to work or school, etc. We can engage in each of these moments with a sense of curiosity and engagement, or just on automatic pilot. We can…
Regaining fitness
I am ectsatic that I finally managed to get to the pool today. I've finished my 4 cycles of AC chemo and each cycle has been quite different. Cycle 1 sick for a week then was able to do some pool exercises and a gym session with light weights and felt good. Cycle 2 I was sick for 2 weeks then was exhausted and just kept…
Weekend Workouts Blog Post Six: Pilates
Image Source: www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au Pilates is a physical fitness system that was developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It involves exercises performed on the floor on mats, or on specially designed equipment in studios. Pilates uses a range of techniques to facilitate improved body awareness, strength,…
Exercise and Cancer - double your survival!
"By age 85, every second Person will develop it. But what if I were to tell you there's a medicine that may double your chance of survival and cause your own body to attack the cancer? It's exercise. " Do yourself a favour and watch the recent ACB Catalyst story about how exercise can increase survival rates and has zero…
Nourishing Knowledge Blog Post Six: Eat Smart While Dining Out
Image Source: www.123rf.com Dining out, whether it is restaurant dining, grabbing something on the run or a takeaway, is something most of us like to do. One of the main issues with these food choices is the high kilojoule content, due to extra oil, fewer vegetables, fatty meats and pasta-based dishes. These meals can…
May you be Mindful - Get Active and Keep Well Challenge!
Get Active and Keep Well online group challenge! Set yourself the goal of practicing mindfulness for at least five minutes every day this May. Mindfulness exercises allow you to be present and aware of what is actually happening to you by not allowing your attention to drift off to what happened to you yesterday or might…
Moving forward and feeling better
After getting the call from surgeon on Wed to say they didn't get everything out last week and falling to pieces, we had my surgeon appointment yesterday and can't believe how much better I am feeling today. Not knowing what is going on is just the worst! When I know what's going on and what can be done, I am superwoman!…
Feeling Great
Hi Ladies, I haven't posted for a while but I am feeling really great, I am just on my tablet for 5 years now my oncologist put me on Exemestane, the only side effect has been the bone pain but I am managing it quite well. I am doing things like my old self now but I have a new prospective and outlook on life, everyday is…
Mindful Mondays Blog Post Three: The Mindfulness Journal
Why keep a mindfulness journal? Keeping a journal is in itself a mindful activity. Keeping a regular journal will encourage you to stop and reflect on the mindful activities you have completed. These might be: * Formal mindfulness meditation exercises; * Moments of less formal mindfulness, such as pausing to really taste…