Why should Breast Cancer Stop Me?
Despite my Breast Cancer diagnosis and treatment I have been able to continue to run and train for ultra marathon events with a little adjustment of course. I recently traveled to China and have written an account of my trip on my blog. Follow the link below. Thank you.…
Exercise and Cancer
The beautiful woman that gives my my oncology massage recommended this Catalyst program to me yesterday. I'm sharing it here because I think it's one of the most significant pieces of research I've seen. Short version: * Exercising during chemotherapy can enhance treatment and prevent muscle loss * Exercise has proven…
Exercise and Chemo- ABC Catalyst
Thought I would share this link I was sent to the Catalyst program (ABC i-view). It showcases a medical trial in WA testing the effect exercise has on chemotherapy. It is showing remarkably positive results. http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/catalyst/SC1502H014S00.
Since being diagnosed with bc 3 and a bit years ago, I have had to learn how to cope with some major challenges. This week I am taking part in Turia Pitt's 7 Day Champion Challenge. There are many women who have faced a bc diagnosis taking part in the free challenge. The aim is to learn how to live an 'epic' life,…
Stepping into Wellness - Melbourne
Sessions now available in Mill Park and Lilydale (Melbourne). Stepping into Wellness is a six-week gentle exercise program run by a qualified instructor who has had breast cancer. The program is easy to understand and follow and will focus on stretching, resistance training, tai chi and general health. You will not need…
Exercise Physiologist
Has anyone used a Exercise Physiologist? I saw my GP yesterday and she recommend me to see one as part of a care plan to get me kick started with a exercise routine that's adapted to my needs. Apparently they can tailor a programme for you that takes into account that you are a cancer patient and the type of treatment that…
I'm good thanks
Hi All, I hope everyone is travelling well. Well. I've had an epiphany!!! I'm good thanks. For a long time when people asked me how I was I would always say good thanks regardless of how I was feeling. But today I actually mean it. I'm feeling the best I have in a very, very long time. I have been ill with auto immune…
Stepping into Wellness - Melbourne
Stepping into Wellness is a six-week gentle exercise program run by a qualified instructor who has had breast cancer. The program is easy to understand and follow and will focus on stretching, resistance training, tai chi and general health. You will not need any special clothing or equipment to attend. Sessions available…
Breastfeeding with cancer
My maternal grandmother had breast cancer at 46, paternal grandmother at 72 and mother at 56 so with a huge family history I had the gene testing when I turned 30. It came back normal for BRCA1 and BRCA2 and I was told I had just as must chance at getting breast cancer as the general population and was in no increased…
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival - a message from our CEO Christine Nolan
Dear members, While the weather is a bit bleak you might be finding it hard to get out and get active. Hopefully with Blackmores Sydney Running Festival coming up in September I might be able to change your mind and get you excited about physical activity again. Held on Sunday 18 September 2016, the event is your…
Try Revitalise with BCNA for free
Hi all, Would you like to try our six week online program, Revitalise with BCNA? Seeing the program structure may help to consolidate some of the course content from your Cert III studies. I can reimburse the $87.00 fee.If you're interested pleas email me slausberg@bcna.org.au Sarah
uncomfortable prosthesis /bra
Hi there lovely peeps, have wanted to post sooo many blogs but when I start just battle to put words to paper so to speak, but now am at my wits end - first off I have to admit I have always hated bras find them restrictive on a good day and have tried many, now as I have had only one boob removed there is no way of just…
6 months pregnant and newly diagnosed
Hi All Newly diagnosed and 6 months pregnant with my 3rd son. Wow what a hectic 2 weeks iots been. Suspicous nipple sore, specialist, biopsy (YEEEOW), more biopsies, scans, diagonsis (stage 2, grade 3 ductile), masectomy - all between 17th dec and xmas! My head is still spinning. I think I'm comfortable the oncologist and…
May you be Mindful into Jubilant June
As the month of May comes to an end, we transition into June during which we will be taking a break from posting the tri weekly Get Active and Keep Well blogs. The month of June is a busy one for us here at BCNA and we are working on some new and very exciting projects (stay tuned). This is a great opportunity for any…
Weekend Workout Blog Post Eight: Dancing
Image Source: www.mnn.com Dancing is a feel-good way to improve your fitness, whatever style you choose. Given the unique combination of physical exercise, social interaction and mental concentration - all set to music - it's no wonder it has been found to help relieve stress, increase energy and improve strength and…