Tamoxifen n ovarian cyst....
Hi everyone. Well I've nearly made my 1 yr since being diagnosed, I finished chemotherapy in Dec n radiation in Feb, things started feeling like they were finally heading back to nirmalville. I'm not quite 3 months on Tamoxifen b thought all was well until a month ago I started feeling unwell. I didnr even gt this fatigued…
Weekend Workout Blog Post Three: Heart Foundation Walking
WATCH the video: Why we love walking! Almost anybody can safely take up walking. Walking is the simplest way to start and continue a fitness and health journey. Walking costs nothing and is easy and safe. But we do recommend you talk to your doctor before taking on a more strenuous regimen. It is also wise to talk to a…
Nourishing Knowledge Blog Post Three: The Five Food Groups
The key to eating a healthy and balanced diet is to choose a variety of nutritious foods from the five food groups and drink plenty of water. The five food groups are: * Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties; * Vegetables and legumes/beans; * Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu,…
Time to start living
I'm happy to say that after having a lumpectomy and breast lift and finding out the margins weren't clear, that I got my Pathology from mastectomy and it's all clear. i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I have had all my treatment so now it's off to my onco to get my tablets and my second…
Mindful Mondays Blog Post Two: Introduction to practicing Mindfulness
Image Source: http://www.nantien.edu.au/ In last week’s blog we discussed the benefits of mindfulness, and this week we will explore how to approach practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to be present and aware of what is actually happening to you by not allowing your attention to drift off to what happened to…
So why aren't I happy?
So, after my beautician discovering a swelling in my armpit way back in November last year, the follow up GP examinations and breast screening, biopsy, then a lumpectomy in March followed by appointments with my oncologists, I have been put on hold waiting for the results of my Prosigna test. All that uncertainty! Am I…
When I started my cancer journey I was determined I would wear a wig when the time came. I've not worn it once. I hate it, it just feels too artificial. I bought some fabulous cotton caps. .as it was very hot when I started and had a number of cotton and bamboo scarves. I have found the hats feel too snug...and are just…
Weekend Workouts Blog Post Two: Geocaching
What on earth is Geocaching? It’s a treasure hunt with something for everyone! Using map coordinates and a GPS enabled device or smart phone, you can find a geocache (container placed at specific map co-ordinates) near your home, in the city, in the bush or even in Antarctica! Geocaches come in all shapes and sizes too.…
Mindful Mondays Blog Post One: Introduction to Mindfulness
Have you ever looked at your watch to check the time, only to look away and have no recollection of what the time is? Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? If you answered yes to these questions, you know what it is to be ‘unmindful’. Being unmindful causes us to miss out on important…
New excercise
So after quitting Physio I had to make up a new routine. The breast care excercises are for me useless. So what I do is lie on my back take the matechtomy side arm, my right arm , with my lefth and. So I grab the wrist and pull it up and down supported by left the do incles the across my body from right to left . By the…
Body painting for breast cancer
How cool is this? (Image: ABC News) Rachel Pannitz is one of one of 13 Australian cancer survivors being painted and photographed for a calendar to raise money for National Breast Cancer Foundation. She told ABC that she first toyed with the idea of having her body painted after having a few glasses of wine with artist…
Yes it is possible to get through treatment
I am now coming up to 8 years post diagnosis. I have managed to stay at work in a full time job, and now I'm taking 2 months long service leave to travel to UK, Sicily, Sweden and Iceland. I went through all the treatment offered to me, it was very hard, but I stayed at work to keep myself busy. Yes, the drugs are…
After Treatment
Hi everyone, Sitting here after an ordinary day wondering am I normal or selfish, but it just seems no one gets my feelings after treatment. I hate what this bloody cancer does to us how it takes and takes. When I was diagnosed and through all of my treatment I have been so strong and now as I near the end I seem to be…
Introducing Get Active and Keep Well blog posts
Here at BCNA, we are really excited to announce our new tri weekly Get Active and Keep Well blog posts. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday we will be posting a blog that we hope will inform, inspire and motivate each and everyone one of you! Introducing… Mindful Mondays: A blog post to prompt all of us to start the week…
sO i HAVE BEEN Going to phsio for 8 weeks since my mastechtomy. The one I was seeing was great , the one that replaced her was no so. There was something about her at the start.. Two weeks ago after having 4 days in hospital again I told her they put me on hepren injections oin hospital so I will bruise easiy so take it…