First Chin-up. Yay!
Some of you may remember I recently began a weightlifting program to hopefully improve my bone density. One of my personal aims was to improve my upper body strength enough to be able to do a chin-up. Today I achieved that! What a feeling to achieve this. My body has been through so much and the aches and pains (Femara…
Breast Cancer has changed my fitness ideas to another level
Hi, my name’s Karen and I am a Breast Cancer survivor, a member at Fernwood Darwin and I have just completed my 'Certificate III in Fitness' through Fernwood Learning. In March 2012, at the age of 37 married with 3 young children, my life was turned upside down. I went for a routine mammogram and ultrasound following my 40…
Life returns to new normal?
Where has the last 12 weeks gone? So much has happened but it is invisible to others. I am back to work tomorrow and am looking forward to it but anxious as well. I put off my return to work 3 times but finally feel I am ready. I have no idea why I thought I would only be off work for a month!! I wasn't expecting so much…
Revitalise programme
hi ladies, Has anyone completed the Revitalise programme. Do you recommend it. Thanks Bevkk
Take the pledge to eat more veg
Image Source: www.dailypollirallo.com It is recommended that we eat five serves of vegetables a day, however it can be difficult to do this and most Australians eat only about half the recommended amount. Eating vegetables has enormous health benefits; research shows that people who eat more vegetables as part of an…
Power squared
This is one of my husbands favourite sayings. He uses it to describe the situation where something has more than one benefit and the benefit is then multiplied rather than just added on (yes he's an engineer!). That is what I am finding regarding the Weight Class (for bone health) that I now attend 2 to 3 times a week. I…
3 years later and Cancer Free
My hair is growing back! Merry Christmas to the ladies who know me! xxx Love Bel
Fun runs, walks during chemo
Hi ladies since my diagnosis I have been setting myself goals I would like to achieve. As I have been able to continue exercise pretty well throughout treatment thus far, I am hoping to do some 5km walks in October and November (I will be on weekly taxol). i am just wondering how realistic this for me. Has anyone done any…
Hi all, I guess I am posting this to vent and try and clear my head. When I thought I was getting through this and doing well, coping with the off days and getting back into work etc, I seem to be going backwards. I have had quiet a few meltdowns in the last couple of months. My wonderful friends have been there for me,…
Hi Ladies Anyone had their period during chemo still? I was told I would go into early menopause but currently I have my second period since starting chemo (just finished AC and start Taxol next week). I am just confused as i expected the to go. Thanks in advance!
Tips to get more active and stay active
Lifestyle change like increasing physical activity is a process that take time and requires support. If you are finding it difficult to motivate yourself, and to stay motivated, here are some helpful suggestions for finding support and maintaining change. Journal or keep a diary – keep track of your goals in a daily…
Neuropathy help
Hi all Its 4 months post chemo and the neuropathy in my feet is slightly better but still an issue especially on the balls of my feet. It did not get too bad during chemo but its just lingering now. My oncologist has said that this can take some time to resolve so need to be patient. Anyone tried anything "natural" or…
Reishi Mushroom
Hi everyone :) Just thought I would pass on information about a mushroom that a Malaysian friend of mine told me about when he found out I was being treated for breast cancer. He told me it was very important I looked it up. So it is the Reishi Mushroom." It has been used to help enhance the immune system, reduce stress,…
My first time on the forum. I was diagnosed with "infiltrating ductal carcinoma Grade 2. 20mm. ER, PR Positive, Her2 negative in September 2013. Breast preservation surgery (left side) with axillary clearance. 17 lymph nodes removed (4 positive). Followed by 3 courses of FEC and 3 of Docetaxel then 25 sessions of…
Weight loss
Hi ladies just if anyone else had experience in losing weight during chemo. I did alter my diet to be as healthy as I could through this process but the only thing I have cut out is refund sugar and processed food. I just felt as I have enough chemicals going through my body I don't need the extra chemicals (this also goes…