Fun runs, walks during chemo

ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
edited September 2016 in Health and wellbeing
Hi ladies

since my diagnosis I have been setting myself goals I would like to achieve. As I have been able to continue exercise pretty well throughout treatment thus far, I am hoping to do some 5km walks in October and November (I will be on weekly taxol).

i am just wondering how realistic this for me. Has anyone done any walk or runs during chemo? I see my oncologist on Wednesday and wil ask her also how she feels but I want to do a few of these over the next 12 months hopefully culminating with the city 2 surf next year and raise money as I go. Let me know if anyone has any experience with this. Thanks


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I didn't do any walks/runs, but felt fit enough to do so until I got problems with peripheral neuropathy (fingers and feet) so keep a close eye on any tingling however mild. Bear in mind that even if you feel fine, chemo is still knocking the body around. Don't stop what you are doing but perhaps just monitor your heart/blood pressure. Always wise to discuss with your oncologist.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534

    All my exercise stopped worst luck as I progressed through Chemo, I was severely ill even after finishing FEC and going onto Taxol, I suffered nerve, bone and muscle pain that was cumulative. 9 months on, I can only manage a 30min walk even then, my legs and feet ache like mad with neuropathy in my toes. Everyone is different and I think there are alot of ladies who were successful at still exercising through treatment. I'd definitely discuss it with your Oncologist and most importantly be guided by your body, that will be your biggest indicator, give it a go and just see how you manage. 
    Melinda xo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    All just depends. I started out being able to exercise on AC from 2nd and 3rd week up until Cycle 3 where I got exhausted. ..then improved a bit cycle 4. On taxol started out okay but progressively got more and more tired and terrible leg pain, some neuropathy and balance issues. The last 2 weeks was spent on a lounge chair. Even now 7 weeks on I couldn't do 5km. I can't  manage more than 15 mins. You just have to do what you can when you can. Some weeks are good and others are not. Remember though,   we do need some energy reserve for cell recovery. Best of luck. Kath x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Gee Kath!
    Our journeys and experiences seem similar uuugh! Well all I can say it can and will get better, guess Ive just learned to accept its going to be very slow going. xo Melinda 
  • Bevkk
    Bevkk Member Posts: 26
    I have finished 11 of 12 Taxol last Friday. As the treatment has progressed I have less and less Energy to do exercise.i find the first two days after treatment are spent on the couch resting and sleeping. Third day I'm able to go for a 1/2 hour walk and maybe some housework. By the day before the next treatment things are starting to get back to normal. As the weeks have passed and the side effects take hold it is harder to keep the exercise routine in place. 
    Best of luck Bev
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    Hey ccasper.............. go for it!!!

    I kept running my 5km every Saturday at parkrun all thru my Chemo treatment & since it finished I have also participated in Run Melbourne & am registered to run in City2Sea in November. Keeping active that way is part of what got me thru. I cannot express enough my gratitude for the complete support, motivation & friendship I received from my parkrun group, its free you register online & just attend your local group. Mine is Highlands & they are a wonderful group of people PLUS as a bonus we all go into the cafe afterwards & have a social breakfast...

    I remember at Chemo education the nurse telling me you will be this & that & dont try to fight it because you wont win. But win I did!!! I will not give into to it, it will not rule my life.......... I walked everynight for 1/2 an hour after dinner with my husband as well during chemo... I had 6 rounds of AC Chemo & am now on Armidex.

    Keep running Cate
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Thanks @Cate64

    i am more of a walker/gym/sport girl than a runner but I was encouraged by my nurse to go back and play social basketball if I feel up to it. I might try and shoot around first before playing! Thanks for the encouragement! 

    I have been doing yoga once/twice a week plus walking 3 to 4 times and I want to keep it up in my last round of chemo as best I can! Well done to you for staying so active very inspirational x
  • kayvie
    kayvie Member Posts: 157
    Hi ccasper 
    Keep up the exercise!!! 

    I was quite fit before diagnosis running 3 times a week (7km each run)cross trainer and weights at the gym.
    Now on ac chemo post surgery - 2 of 4 cycles done with 2 to go then 12 weekly taxol am power walking every day to maintain fitness (no gym due to germs and low white blood cell count). Usually manage 8k each day but immediately after dose is a struggle but like you am determined to keep active. Plus the walking is great to combat fatigue and clear the head. I use the 10 minute rule - if I am not enjoying it after the first 10 minutes I stop but of course I am warmed up by then so just keep going!

    Take care x
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Thanks @kayvie

    i am hoping to do more gym work during taxol as it doesn't mess with your counts as much. Hopefully you can do the same! Well done with your exercise during AC. My side effects were mainly fatigue but I responded quite well aside from after the third one when I became neutropenic. Hopefully the third one is kind to you. Are you fortnightly or 3 weekly?
  • kayvie
    kayvie Member Posts: 157
    Hi ccasper 
    Mine is 3 weekly and I have mainly  nausea bloating and fatigue. I was neutropenic after 2nd dose and neulasta injection made my bones ache but pushed through as best as I could. Hopefully this will be the worst of it.

    Here's hoping to returning to gym work when switch to taxol.
    Hope taxol treats you well and side effects are minimal
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I didn't do any runs nor did I attempt to. I figured if I keeled over during a race it would just mar everyone elses good day out. I did keep up 3km walks but instead of twice a day I dropped it to once a day.