Will the curls stay? Plus trouble growing eyebrows
Hi, just wondering if anyone had straight here pre chemo and now has curly hair? My hair is very curly, fuzzy infact. Wondering if it will go or stay. Also, anyone had trouble getting eyebrows back? Did anything help? Cheers, Catherine
Surgery done!
Hi ladies I have now had my surgery and am in hospital. My BMX with implant recon went amazingly well. Dr French actually completed the surgery much quicker than he expected to. All scans I had the week were all clear as well so it has been a good week! And to top it off, my sister had her baby yesterday too. no regrets…
Hair regrowth
can someone give me a pep talk? I finished chemo on August 19th 2016. 6 weeks of radiation followed during which my hair completely left me. No regrowth happened as it does for some people. My hair regrowth is very slow and I am thin on top still after 5 months. I can't imagine ever having 'enough' hair again. I am taking…
Tai Chi qigong AUSWUSHU competition in Melbourne this sunday
I will be with the Macquarie University team if anyone wishes to come and see what tai chi and qigong are all about I find it very relaxing form or exercise and meditation combined. since taking this up 3 years ago my bone density has improved from osteoporotic to osteopenic and apparantly I've grown 2.5 cm! (think most…
since being diagnosed with DCIS the rlationship with my partner has taken a turn for the worst. I am 61 and we have been living together for 2 years and dating 2 years peior to that. When we met our life was wonderful, full of fun and lots of intinacy and sex. Now it is dull and lifeless with both of us looking at perhaps…
Exercise Physiologist, where do you get one?
Hi All, I just watched the rerun of the Catalyst program about exercising with chemotherapy, it was originally screened in May 2016. It was amazing the improvements in people's health and cancer reoccurrence. Has anyone been offered this type of exercise program with their chemo or after. I really feel neglected being in…
Hi all. Hoping everyone had a great new year. I have been doing well lately. I enjoyed Christmas, had a quiet New Years and am generally getting on with life now all treatment finished at the end of November with my last Herceptin. My fatigue has improved. My weight loss is still on track. I lost 24 kgs just before…
How to set New Year’s resolutions for your health that will actually work!
Note from BCNA: The following is a guest post, the first in a series we're bringing you this year. Dr Helen Donovan is a health psychologist specialising in initiating and maintaining long-term health behaviour change. Her experiences encompass:* health coaching with individuals and groups * developing, implementing and…
Weight Loss on Tamoxifen .... Progress Report
Happy Christmas Everyone. 3 months ago I posted on this forum announcing my experiment to see if it really is impossible to lose weight on Tamoxifen. I've been blogging every week and a handful of lovely ladies have been following along. It has really been important to me to know that people have been watching and…
Getting there
In May this year it will be 4 years since diagnosis (at 47) for me (IDC Stage 3, Grade 2, ER and PR +). As time has gone by I have made many changes to my life. Changes that help me cope with side effects, changes that allow me to do more of the things that help me feel good. Health wise I have maintained my weight after…
Why do our so called health professionals not advise you that you are eligible for things?? Not one of them told me I was eligible for a Care Plan/Team Care Plan. I found out thru this wonderful group. My GP organised a Care Plan for an exercise Physiologist after I asked him for it but did not tell me I am actually…
Cannot Give Blood anymore for 5 years post treatment....
Hi bosssum buddies, I rang the blood bank today to let them know of my recent breast cancer diagnosis and radiation treatment and hoping to make an appointment. I thought there would be some sort of waiting period following my diagnosis but to my surprise and disappointment, they advised that cancer patients cannot give…
Hi Everyone I am hoping I might get some advice with an issue I have been having. I have had mastitis (in my L breast - same side I had lumpectomy) which has been persisting for a couple of months now despite several courses of antibiotics. It is inflamed painful and I have green nipple crusting. Has anyone else had this…
Hysterectomy query
i am 54 and had a double masectomy 2 years ago and have been monitoring my ovaries through my gyno/oncologist. Although i don't have the Braca gene, I have a growing cyst and fibroid and various pains and she has said it would not be unreasonable to have a hysterectomy. I am thinking about it seriously and am wondering if…
The ACTIVATE trial
Increasing physical activity after a diagnosis of breast cancer has been shown to improve both physical and emotional health, and overall quality of life. It can help improve body weight, muscle strength, confidence, mood, depression and anxiety. Research also indicates that regular exercise may also reduce the risk of…