dating after a double masectomy
hello im wondering if theres any over 50yr old women out there how have had a double masectomy, and haven't had reconstruction nor wear prosthetics and have dated? I'm really interested in hearing stories from other woman how they felt leading into dating? if they experienced any negative issues and generally just after…
Dairy products query??
Hi..I'm new to this site, so please excuse any mistakes!! I'm 62 and I was diagnosed with Hormone Receptive Breast Cancer last July, had 2 surgeries which included nipple removal and lymph gland removal on my right side. Following that, I had 6 rounds of Chemo and 30 zaps of radiation. What I want to know is ....opinions…
I've written a book about fear of recurrence!
Hi everyone, A bit excited!Just sent the final draft of my book to someone so that it can be formatted for publication on Kindle. And yes, I did finally make up my mind about a title: 'FREE FROM FEAR - living well after cancer' It's got lots of practical strategies for dealing with that slow, creeping fear that the cancer…
Mona Lisa Touch
Hi Everyone I am 16 months in from having a lumpectomy. I am now on Letrozole and it does not have very nice side effects, one being a very dry vagina. Has anyone on here had the Mona Lisa touch done? If so do you think it was worth it and has it worked etc. What sort of cost was it? I am thinking of getting it done but…
Hi all! Haven't been on here much as other things have had to take priority of late. I have just noticed on the Activity list a comment from @InkPetal she's in the doldrums and needed cheering up, she is also pro-active in identifying her dilemma and has made an appointment with a professional to discuss same. In my…
Feeling a bit silly...
Things are good 14 months after chemo and 5 months after Herceptin finished. I accept my scars and the side effects I have are now part of the new me and I am getting on with things. I am not thinking about cancer every day. I am making decisions about my future that are not cancer driven. So all good. BUT lately if…
When to have your ovaries removed
I saw my oncologist today. She is pressuring me to have my ovaries removed. I have the bracken 2 gene. I agree but....I have just finished a year of treatment. I may be going on to a trial with Peter Mac. I have hurt my shoulder and will be healed in a couple of months. The neuropathy in my feet makes it hard to walk long…
When is it ok to have a regular massage?
Sharing something for our inner health and wellbeing. :)
I would like to share this series of videos which a friend has sent me. We are being treated for BC by medical science. We can change our diet and lifestyle, but I think our inner being cannot be ignored. I hope it is okay for me to share this and I hope you can have an open mind and watch them. :)…
Achy joints and Exercise During/Post Chemo Treatment
So as I have mentioned in another post, my last/4th chemo was 4 April and I am into my third week. My legs feel really heavy most of the time, knees and groin ache when i try stretching them or squatting. My neck feels tired too! I guess these are all side effects of chemo. Hope I am not the only one. Does any of you…
Young women and breast cancer
Hi everyone I have recently started blogging about my experience with breast cancer as a young woman. I know there is another forum targeted at young women but I do definitely feel there needs to be more awareness about young women and breast cancer risk. I have met far too many women my age or younger that have been…
How to keep on track with weight loss or anything
It is never about the diet that is the problem It is never about doing the exercise with me.It is always after many months I stop. Winter hits motivation diminishes. I have read wonderful ladies who have achieved astonishing results. What keeps you going? I have some success but fall short of the finish line. This time I…
Redneck. Rehab
So, no subsidised one-on-one physio available here, only a group exercise program that is perfectly timed to make it impossible to attend while doing the 180 km a day trek to rads. I REFUSE TO BE AN OLD WOMAN AT 53! I've decided the only way to go about getting my muscles back is a bit of good old fashioned back yard gym.…
White cell count is low
Had my second treatment today. The nurse mentioned my white cell count was only 1, which is really low. Treatment went ahead and she said I should just be careful this weekend to ensure I'm away from anyone that is sick. Is there anything I can do to improve my white count? And what does this mean for the next scheduled…
Exercise / Healthy Diet after BC
Hello all, I have been on the site more lately, you all help when things get you down. Just read Stop the Bullshit and it made me put this in writing. We all have been told (a lot) that studies show exercise and healthy diet after diog can lessen chance of reoccurrence... I say If we got the cancer in the first place while…