Need to share oday
just back from a lunch with a local bc group - they meet monthly for a coffee or occasionally lunch. Was wonderful to meet them and know they are in my community.I noticed bc transcends differences in age/ background and also noticed their positivity even though they acknowledge there are tough spots - It isn't a…
Today was a litte different
After having a heavy head cold last Easter, I noticed that my hearing was very poor in my right ear. My G.P sent me to a ENT specialist and of course the anxiety set in . I have mets in my skull bone on the right side near my ear. The specialist was very kind and ensured me that it was just fluid built up behind the ear…
Breast cancer and costochronditis
This month has been really tough. My mum was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis which we are told is terminal. My father who has dementia went into respite, got very ill and now he too has been admitted to hospital. They tell me Dad will have to go into a nursing home. It all just breaks my heart. I am splitting my time…
Having one of those days or 2.........
Hi everyone, i dont know if I am just overthinking everything. I been quite anxious the last few days, nervous, worry and I don't know exactly why. It is like the mind just doesn't stop thinking and thinking of irrational thoughts, whether it is because I am just scared in general. As much as it is only been a few months…
Targeted exercise trial for people diagnosed with breast cancer (VIC only)
Health Team Australia are currently recruiting people into a 12-week exercise trial to identify benefits of exercise for those currently undergoing or recently finished treatment for breast cancer. Health Team Australia is an allied health company built from a solid exercise physiology foundation. Working with the YMCA,…
Prosthesis for swimming
Hi ! I am hoping someone on here could help me solve my little dilemma
Life after chemo
Woop woop... I have about 1/2mm of hair! So excited after months of bald. It's barely visible, but it's there. feeling optimistic. Next hopefully goodbye to fatigue, dry skin, dark eye circles and quite a few kilos aswell haha!
Should we be talking about cancer?
This month I celebrated four years since the trip to BreastScreen that found triple negative cancer in my left breast. It's an important milestone for me. Unlike other forms of breast cancer, the risk of recurrence drops every year I stay cancer free, right up until year five when I'm actually at the same risk as everyone…
Genetic links?
First forgiveness for those who belong to the Facebook group - this post is pretty much the same. I'm keen for information! This is my first post - I heard something tonight and decided I needed to throw an information net out there. First, a little about me. I am 41 with three beautiful boys. I went for my annual…
Lump in .neck
HHiya washing my neck in shower n found lump on top of neck gland c dr tomorrow oncologist Thursday had sore throat off n on has anyone had this or similar should I b worried thankyou :-)
My story
Hi, I am in my ten month after having my surgery July will be a year. I have had up and downs with pain as I had a lumpectomy and had a small amount of fluid not enough to drain just give me grief, I now have lymphodema and a pink rash which I had checked out and it's to do with the fluid thankfully . I have been having…
Sydney walking group?
Hi everyone, I wanted to see if in this wonderful network we have anyone based in Sydney that attends a walking group or who is looking for a walking buddy?
Are you worried about weight gain during chemotherapy? (VIC based trial)
Weight gain is common in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer and can lead to: - a decrease in quality of life and self esteem - the development of other conditions e.g. heart disease and diabetes - increased risk of cancer recurrence Oncology Clinics Victoria (OCV) are currently recruiting patients into a…
walking group
Hey ladies. I am lucky enough to live and work a stones throw away from box hill gardens and am keen to start a walking group if there is interest. The gardens have a 1km walking track and i need some motivation to get off my butt and move. The gardens are across the road from epworth and box hill hospitals as well as…
So, Friday myself, my husband, my son & 12 friends flew to Queensland to compete in various Gold Coast Marathon events. Myself in the 5.7km, so stoked to tell you that I ran the entire 5.7km in 44 miinutes & 40 seconds, so proud of myself