Today was a litte different

wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
After having a heavy head cold last Easter, I noticed that my hearing was very poor in my right ear. My G.P sent me to a ENT specialist and of course the anxiety set in . I have mets in my skull bone on the right side near my ear. The specialist was very kind and ensured me that it was just fluid built up behind the ear drum. I had a hearing test which found that I was profoundly deaf in that ear. After nasal spray and Prednisone failed to clear the ear , today I had a grommet inserted in the ear. I had the choice of a light anaesthetic in hospital or he could give me a local anaesthetic and have it done in the surgery.  I opted for the latter and had the procedure done this morning. My specialist said I was very brave, but I think if you can get through chemo you can cope with just about anything. After I left the surgery everything sounded so loud . People that spoke to me sounded like they were shouting , so I guess it has been successful. You dont appreciate you hearing until you loose it.


  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Great news wendy..success yippie
    Xx bright

    Could you check out the mets group someone posted re  query skull mets 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi Wendy
    What great news for you.  
    Thank you for posting as I am also going quite deaf and you have made me sit up and take notice.  Whilst the doctor just said "you are going deaf" (with a chuckle) I will insist on further testing.
    Enjoy the birds and the music as that is what I miss msot.
    Hugs  Summer  :-)
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Oh how wonderful that is for you to regain the hearing that had diminished. As you settle into the noises of life I hope that being able to listen to the rain fall on the roof, which is happening here at home at present,  the sound of the birds twittering and your family engaging in chit chat brings renewed pleasure. So much for you to look forward to. 
    BTW How brave are you?
    Take care xx

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @wendy_h67, that's brilliant!!!  How fantastic that a grommet made so much difference to you. Xx 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    At least you know it is working! Great stuff despit it most annoying and stressful for you to have to endure it at all. Kath x