Bad day
Another bad day. Seem to be having a lot of them lately. I had imagined getting to the end of treatment, getting back to some kind of normal, work, a little happiness etc but just not the case. I've been in fatigue denial, telling myself that delayed post treatment tiredness wasn't going to get me, but I'm soooo flat.…
Good news from oncologist
i saw my oncologist on Wednesday and expected to hear bad news, so had a huge list of questions to ask. I felt so nervous for a few weeks before I phoned I moved my blood tests and appointment forward by a week after speaking with my GP. My hubbie came with me as I wanted to be prepared for the news unlike the two major…
ACT Lymphoedema Support Group
Hi all. It's a long time since I've logged in to the forum, though I often lurknand read without logging in. This time 2 years ago, I had just had my last chemo, and was preparing for surgery at the end of the month. Time flies! I just want to alert anyone in the ACT region to this information session. The group itself is…
An ad on TV saved my life
On 12 October 2015 I found a thickening in my right breast after being prompted to do a self exam by a TV ad promoting October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Prior to seeing that ad I didn't regularly check my breasts because I was younger than 50, had zero family history of any type of cancer and therefore I didn't…
After effects of Surgery
I had my Mastectomy and aux clearance just over 2 weeks ago and after 6 months of chemo and 5 weeks of rads my pathology came back with the great news that they have nuked, poisoned and removed any trace of the aggressive tumour I had. To say that I am grateful to the amazing team of specialists and all who helped in my…
Goopie Me!!!!!
Hi there folks, whinge alert here, but if I can't do that here, where else can I? The latest joy to add to this monumental crapfest, is now two stuffed shoulders. The pectoral muscle on the left side had shortened and turned rigid. And by rigid, I mean iron hard. Much debate amongst all my various ologists about wtf was…
Metal staples.
I had a bilateral mastectomy in April this year. I've recently had mega problems with both my shoulders, but more severely, the right one. I was sent off for xrays and an ultrasound as an outpatient. When I saw the report and the x rays, I was shocked (to put it mildly), that I have dozens of metal staples on both sides,…
Struggling today
I have only posted a few discussions since joining the network however I just wanted to let you all know that I have spent many hours being comforted and reassured by you all offering your experience, advise and sometimes candid hatred for this sh.. disease! Today however I am really struggling. Over the last two years I…
On a brighter note
After a couple of weeks of investigation and some covert action by my BC Nurse, we found a way in the back door of the local YMCA (that sounds vaguely wrong, doesn't it) The Open Door program granted me a three month pass. You beauty. 10 days, 12 km in the pool, three gym sessions and half way through my third yoga class,…
I stopped chemo 7 weeks ago and ive returned to work.. im tired..i mean tired... any tips on natural remedies..this cant last forever ???
YMCA encore
Hi all, just wanted to let any ladies from the Wollongong area know there is a new class starting on the 13 Oct-01 Dec at Port Kembla Hospital, 89-91 Cowper St Warrawong. You can call 02 92856264 to book in. It is an exercise program and think the classes go for a couple of hours. You don't exercise all that time, think…
Mostly USA data but what's your experience?
A veritable Forest
Hi wonderful women,I find as days progress and thoughts move from diagnosis to surgery to results to treatment and then follow-up, my mind starts to turn towards more mundane things in life. Hard to believe after such a short time since the beginning of my adventure on this new mountain. So I continue to loob the boob and…
Cold flushes??????
I am two days into radiation after a mastectomy and chemo. For the last year I have been experiencing intermittent cold flushes. I am well into menapause and the hot flushes have mostly subsided to be rare and barely noticeable. since starting radiation the cold flushes have become much more frequent, at times they follow…
Adult colouring project
7:54am, 05th March 2016: I've started a project to get me through this horror show. Eventually I'd like to publish a collection and have either a generous publisher send out the book to breast cancer patients undergoing the *tedious* treatment we must or self publish and have proceeds go to research. The research is there,…