Adult colouring project

7:54am, 05th March 2016:
I've started a project to get me through this horror show. Eventually I'd like to publish a collection and have either a generous publisher send out the book to breast cancer patients undergoing the *tedious* treatment we must or self publish and have proceeds go to research.
The research is there, colouring is stress-relieving. But people keep giving me colouring books filled with either swear words or cats and I need to feel like I'm CREATING something. So I'm making art, unfinished art, that people can co-create rather than just be colouring in. Things you might want to take out and frame and not feel like you've wasted a few hours on sudoku… fun as that is (that wasn't sarcastic).
This is a preview of page one (at least, the page I've stated with), but I'm not sure where to go. I wanted to represent how I've been feeling every step of the way, but the explanations are probably too morbid to include in the book. Should I be honest and do that anyway or would that be too heavy for something recreational?
7:07am, 11th March 2016:
This one is going to need a re-draw, after 20 or so hours (concentration lacking like crazy) there are just parts I'm not satisfied with. Present in this one are the aloe flower, that has a wide range of meaning including both healing and grief. The clock probably isn't what is first assumed, oh yes, out of time, how morbid - but it very deliberately has no numbers, because it isn't about death, it's about uncertainty. I suppose if I were to sum it up in only a few words it would be the emotional chaos of changing perspectives and values after diagnosis.
Sorry for the tag, that's my new Instagram if anyone wants to follow or has one to connect there on. Help me identify you by commenting using pink emojis and I'll follow back. Again, this preview is only a fraction, I'm sure most artists can relate to having been plagiarized and profited from without compensation before.
More thoughts on distribution goals: My own cost covering would be great, it really would, but what I want is to get it to new patients before they start chemotherapy. I want it to be a free resource to help with the side-effect frustration that some women get, for the days they find they struggle to find the energy to even manage their hour of exercise and are too nauseated to stomach a computer screen. And to occupy that time during actual treatment that can just be spent waiting on results.
I'm also thinking maybe an arrangement where it could be published and available in stores, but the sales of one book buys a copy for a cancer patient then have that copy resource mailed-out the way BCNA do with information and leaflets in their pack.
I haven't really thought long and hard on it, I'm distracted by all the treatment decisions I'm trying to make. Never ending stress. Fortunately making this thing is helping with that. Chemo consult and genetic test coming up - wish I'd have the genetics done before the consult but I'm thinking angiolymphatic results even though it wasn't detected in lymph nodes is probably a good enough reason to go four rounds of chemical hell.
Hi Inkpetal!
Art IS therapy...Art has always been my therapist. Once I start a project be it a commission piece or just because, I am immersed into a world of freedom, while the pencil or brush is caressing the paper, the outside world doesn't problems seem to disappear.I encouraged my daughter, who has Bipolar to keep an art journal, and the pieces she create were amazing and powerful!
I have drawn some pretty 'morbid' pieces, surreal pieces and happy pieces. What goes into a piece is your soul speaking and releasing. I find it's actually cleansing to get it out. If i get an idea in my head for a piece I MUST draw it!
I think your idea is excellent! For you to create something that others may relate to, no matter how dark some of it may be, is not only rewarding for your soul, it's therapeutic for others. They can interpret the pieces their own way...I like this first interpretation is's a struggle with the reality of what is happening to you and trying to keep strong and feminine....
Keep going and make your dream a reality! I will buy your book
- Tracy
stay strong|breathe|believe
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Exactly how I feel
Thank you so much for the feedback.
My gosh Tracy I love your work, you're spectacular!
- Rebecca
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Great idea! I have just got back into art after about 20-25 years. It's stress relieving and am sure most people would love to have a book like yours. Keep it up!
linda xx
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That's fantastic! How are you finding it now?
I've been stuck in a place for a few years now where I can't find the motivation to create unless it's for someone or with good reason.
I hope so, thank you Linda
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Oh, that's interesting. It doesn't appear that images uploaded are attachable in-thread. One for the tech-support bug list.
Well! I guess that means I'll be making updates to the original post from now on.
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Hi Rebecca,
I have spoken with our Digital Manager Belinda and we will look into why the image is not appearing when posting a comment.
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Great! Thanks Ann-Marie. Details I should note are that I was posting from the safari browser on my mobile.
I'd really love an app if you could pass on the interest?
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Segment of third page.
Hoping the image shows up.
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Wahoo!! May have been my connection last time not uploading properly. Thank you for the help.
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Amazing x
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Your work is amazing! Loving all of them so far....
The idea of your book being available to cancer patients is inspiring! Put your feelers out and hopefully someone will help...I myself have no contacts...but maybe try directly appealing to the Cancer Council? You never know...
Wishing you all the very best with your book pursuit and you treatments...
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Another page down.
Supported by a bed of roses - comfort and compassion, still being eaten alive, still trapped, apathy. I'm not in a great place.
I accidentally recommended my own post. Damn smartphone butterfingers.
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Love it!
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My heart wasn't in it, maybe someone else's will be.