A veritable Forest

Hi wonderful women,
I find as days progress and thoughts move from diagnosis to surgery to results to treatment and then follow-up, my mind starts to turn towards more mundane things in life. Hard to believe after such a short time since the beginning of my adventure on this new mountain.  So I continue to loob the boob and also the scars from surgery and I catch a glance of what else is happening around my boob.  And yikes.. there is a forest that has continued to grow under the armpit in spite of all treatment. It must be at least 7 months worth, and while not down to the elbow ... It is enough to be bothersome. 
So having had my sentinel nodes removed and now not wanting to compromise any skin integrity, and also risk lymphedema,  I am wondering how do I remove it safely.  I have thought of and used creams however am concerned with the chemicals in these. I think Shaving with a razor is totally out of the question... Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Electric razor is good. This is what I now use after surgery and axillary clearance. It won't cut the skin.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Perhaps trim with scissors first, just to avoid any mishap with long hair!!
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @steplightly
    Isn't the body kind to us (not) ?  Some hair just won't thin or disappear when we want it to.
    I went the waxing way - not great the first time but it lasts for ages !
    Do go into the salon first and check that they do use a different ice-cream stick each time - you do not want them double-dipping and passing on any germs.
    Good luck.
    Summer  :-)
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Thankyou for all your responses  There is quite a bit to consider along the recovery path  I have been told no blood to be taken from affected side, no blood pressure measurements  Be careful of insect bites and mozzies love me to bits. Hyper vigilance will not be a great place to launch from but may be a necessity now  
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I shave 'with the grain' using soap. Just take it easy. It's weird because the geography of my armpit has changed but I haven't had any problems.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @steplightly, I'm a waxer and had mine done within 2 weeks of surgery (still had drains in). Bonus was because of sentinel node couldn't feel a thing on left armpit - BONUS!!!!  Have continued to be waxed every month and no issues so all good. All the best with your deforestation!! Xoxo Cath
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I use a ladies underarm electric razor to both underarms and fanny which grew so wooly it would wet my undies after a shower. All good now.
  • MKitty68
    MKitty68 Member Posts: 261
    i'm lucky enough to not be very hair at any time, I'm normally a waxer but my pubes fell out (all bar a few stray long ones!) before my head-hair did, my leg hair still grew, as did my underarm hair - I've shaved once since and it doesn't seem to be growing very fast at least, and is fine enough for me to not have to worry too much. Luckily I have a partner who couldn't care less if i de-fuzz or not... he does wish my head-hair would hurry up & grow though... and so do i. 
    With the shaving, i just took it really careful under my affected arm as it's all still quite numb there, and I used sorboline cream instead of soap with a disposable razor. 
    My current income doesn't stretch to getting my waxing done at the moment, but once i'm back working it will be back to once a month waxes for me!
    Best of luck with your deforestation!