YMCA encore

Member Posts: 314 ✭
Hi all, just wanted to let any ladies from the Wollongong area know there is a new class starting on the 13 Oct-01 Dec at Port Kembla Hospital, 89-91 Cowper St Warrawong. You can call 02 92856264 to book in. It is an exercise program and think the classes go for a couple of hours. You don't exercise all that time, think they hold discussion session and have gust speaker also. They finish the session with exercises in the pool.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank you, I hope this starts up on the SUnshine Coast, QLD again soon, it sounds fabulous!!0
The Adelaide courses start in October at 2 locations - I think one ione is Flinders Medical Centre and the other is Hampstead Rehab0
@Vallerina they did have one at Maroochydore I think why not ring YWCA Qld and ask0