Goopie Me!!!!!

Member Posts: 961 ✭
Hi there folks, whinge alert here, but if I can't do that here, where else can I? The latest joy to add to this monumental crapfest, is now two stuffed shoulders. The pectoral muscle on the left side had shortened and turned rigid. And by rigid, I mean iron hard. Much debate amongst all my various ologists about wtf was going on. Top contenders for cause were due to inflammation from massive haematoma on that side after surgery, and connective tissue inflammation as a result of one of my autoimmune diseases, namely scleroderma. At the end of the day, all academic, but the result was the same...very little extended movement, so physio now added to my list of people to see and things to do. Please note, I had been religiously doing all my excercises, including the fingers up the wall, but the whole shebang just got tighter and tighter. So physio started and then hydrotherapy as well. Deep massage to the muscle was also done, which also left me bruised and sore, due to being on Clexane injections twice daily since August last year. That's also a real funfest, my tummy looks like a purple, black, green and yellow mess from the bruising, but I digress....Guess what has happened, now, by dear bosom buddies? The right shoulder is now stuffed. Oh yes, query rotator cuff tear, now excluded, and been told it is adhesive capsulitis, or frozen shoulder. Excruciatingly painful and almost no movement possible beyond a sort of demented penguin flapping of my lower arm. Lifting it away from my side, or trying to get it around the back to wipe my bum, or to dry the dewdrops off my daisy are impossible. So the already crook left arm has to do its best...oooh goopie me!!! (as my two year old grandson says). Cortisone injection into the joint not recommended due to these other conditions as well as risk of bleeding into the joint due to the blood thinners. I'm royally pissed....
It's the ancillary issues that can kill you - not literally I hope, but getting your head around cancer is one thing, getting it around the side benefits is another. As Zoffiel says, it's the gift that just keeps giving. Pre BC I had a GP - occasionally, when I remembered. Post I have a GP, a surgeon, an oncologist, a lymphoedema therapist, a cardiologist and, if only for a short time, a reproductive endocrinologist! Not to mention the blood tests, bone tests, etc etc. I am intensely grateful that I am not bleeding or in pain, just spongy feet and an overwatered arm! I hope that your conditions improve very soon. Whinging seems utterly restrained in face of all that!0
@Allyjay I dont know whether to laugh or cry reading that. OMG! it is relentless! I had a similar issue with my left shoulder post my last surgery in July. I had an ultrasound done turns out I have bursitis and a shoulder impingement. I work with an Exercise Physiologist since last year, so shes been so helpful in working with me gentle exercises to get mobility back. Its a long road to recovery with it, I was too offered an injection in the shoulder but declined. I'm working slowly with it thanks LOL. They also wanted to do the same to my lower back, ummm no lol, so just persevering with the exercising and Physio. Bit over it absolutely!!! give the physio a try I really think it will help slowly..x M0
Oh what a cluster-fuck!
My physio is introducing the idea I may need some weird saline injection into my shoulder if my mobility doesn't improve. I'm fried from rads and have had vague diagnosis about encapsulation (which I've proven is on the menu with the foobs) to explain my rapidly reducing shoulder function. This shit is exasperating.
PS. A+ for venting0 -
Ladies, your ability to discuss your extremely shitty circumstances in such a delightfully witty way impresses me endlessly. Thank you and I'm truly sorry to hear about your shoulders. I hope you can get some relief.0
Fuck oath whinge your arse off love we are all entitled too. And yes we are all glad to be here to be able to whinge for sure but bc is still a big pain in the fucking arse and arms in your case too isn't it And I love I can say fuck on here whenever the fuck I want and never get fucking judged for it. It's fucking awesome. Hang in there love hope the physio helps. It has for me and ive been going for over a year now. Margie ❤️1
Oh ffs enough already. As if bc wasn't enough crap to deal with. I hope the cam sort out the shoulder for you. Kath x0