Two year cancer survivor
Just got the all clear for another 6 months. Cancer survivor 2 years. Woohoo! :)
All Clear
had my 12 month mammogram and ultrasound Friday.. got results today from breast surgeon all clear of anything suspicious!! What a massive 12 months its been.. this time last year Xmas was crap.. this year Xmas is going to be amazing.. thank you all you beautiful ladies who have helped me with questions this last year I…
Dealing with the side effects of anti-nausea meds.
Hi, So I'm on dexamethasone and metoclopramide for dealing with the nausea from AC. I'm 9 days in from my first round and have experienced the following: depression, mood swings, increased appetite, weight gain, bloated stomach area, general feeling of fogginess and in the days following chemo I found it hard to…
Infection prevention
I am 10 dayz into my first chemotherapy treatment. So far so good. A bit of nausea and tiredness but not as bad as I expected although I know its early days. My query is about preventing myself from getting infections from other people. I have two young grandchildren, 5 and 6, and kiddies can be well in the morning and…
Genetic testing
Seven - News (01/11/2017 18:19) Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer to no longer have to pay for related genetic testing, with the test added to Medicare along with more than 30 other treatments.
Groin aches
hi all again :) ive noticed groin pain comes and goes I do have osteoarthritis aswell but the groin pain hurts like wen im laying down and lift my leg or go to get up should I be concerned ive had few weeks and on tamoxifen thankyou lovelys <3
12 months since diagnosis
Next sat marks my 12 months since I was diagnosed I can’t believe it’s been a year so much has changed I’m different.. I’m not the same Pam I was 12 months ago it’s surreal really how cancer can change you.. my first mammogram and ultrasound are booked for Friday I’m nervous as my breast and under arm are still sore a year…
This is the hormone blocker my oncologist has suggested he will be putting me on 4 weeks after I finish radiation. I need to have a blood test to confirm my ovaries are no longer active (i went through an early menopause 10 years ago) and also a dexa scan to check my bone density first. Has anyone here been on Letrazole or…
Missing test
Hi I had a biopsy yesterday I thought it was for my only breast as mammogram n ultrasound show 3new leisons well I had biopsy on lymph node on mastectomy side only as my sentinal node biopsy at time of mastectomy was good they say there going to just watch these 3leisons so now im down depressed and over this cancer stufff…
Eyebrow loss
In my research to get some ideas about dealing with my disappearing eyebrows I discovered the 'look good, feel better' workshops. There seem to be lots around Melbourne.
Chemo Brain. I've succumbed.
I'm so disappointed. I've had to defer from my studies. Having plowed through a double advanced dip in management and HR while I was in treatment I assumed, wrongly, that I could continue and do the last 8 subjects to complete a degree. No. My brain will not work properly and I honestly think it is getting worse. My body…
Many of us find that treatment leaves us with the extra unwanted issue of low bone density or even osteoporosis. Today is World Osteoporosis Day and The Daily Edition On Channel 7 is interviewing Professor Belinda Beck about her research into the latest ways of treating and even reversing osteoporosis. The interview is set…
Signs and symptoms
Hi all ive had a mastectomy February this year and now had ultrasound and mammogram going for fna Monday and ive noticed my areola is discolored purply pinky brown my symptoms I had when diagnosed bc was discharge has anyone had the discolouration im worried scared thanks everyone x
Post op bra
Guess you ladies all know about this but for anyone who doesn’t thought I’d post.A couple of girlfriends introduced me to Aah bras today and OMG the most comfortable I have been since surgery in March. I am a 16C and support is great - just ordered 3 more
Working Out and Energised that is Affordable
Hi Guys, Compelled to shout out about the benefit of exercise despite any physical limitations. I have bone and brains mets. I have always been active but last year certainly tested my resolve. I had fractures and both femurs due to the affects of a bone density drug. I now have rods in both femurs. Return to mobility was…