Diet and exercise
is there anywhere on this site that helps with getting on to a healthy diet and exercise regime post surgery and into radiotherapy and anti-oestrogen medication era? I am active, over 60, bmi 30+, otherwise healthy.
Thought for the week
Be Gone!!!
Had 6 cycles of AC Chemo start of 2016 & didn't pick up one germ, not one, been fit as a fiddle the whole time, running at parkrun, running in events - for medals (ha ha), working full time, running a house..... & NOW.... NOW..... some germ has decided that it is ok to take up residence in my body, I think not!!! Be gone…
Do you worry about your cancer coming back?
If the answer is yes, you're not alone. Feeling anxious and frightened about breast cancer returning is very common for people who have had breast cancer. We've produced a video about how to cope with the fear of recurrence. Check out the video…
Small victories
10 weeks after my last chemo and half way through rads, there have been a couple of little things that have brought a smile to me dial. The terrible muscle pain from my last chemo has nearly gone away. I was terrified that Femara would only make it worse, but it's gradually fading. Don't get me wrong, I'm a long way from…
A couple of years down the track
It's been a while since I posted here. I had so much support here when I went through my mastectomy and chemo - thanks so much everyone! Now I am nearly 3 years down the track and recently I have been struggling with the fact that I have had a mastectomy and everything that's happened to me. I am a happily single woman but…
Cervix polyp
Jan had my mastectomy for multi er + ILC currently having radiation , 2nd dose of zoladax and will start aromassin in 10 days after rads finish. Iv read it's very uncomfortable to do Pap smears and it's been s while but less then 2 years so go proactive and had one today and far out docs sees a polyp on my cervix . How do…
Mother's Day Classic
Hello my lovelies, I have been quiet of late I realise, just been a busy time at work. So, how many of you are participating in the Mother's Day Classic on Sunday?? I am, in Melbourne in the 4km run, 8.15am wave. Anybody else??? Pink gear is at the ready including my brand new, purchased especially for the event, PINK…
Is it something to worry about?
Hi ladies...and any gents here. I just need to share this here. I'm frankly quietly freaking out but trying to keep sensible Kath in focus and make informed logical decisions. So I finished treatment in Jan. I've had ACT-H but herceptin stopped at number 11. My health has steadily improved. 4 weeks ago I had my…
What we care about
Hi everyone ..seems that the most views the last few days have been to read about alcohol intake and dairy products vs soy...we do want to have a healthy life style ..discussion boards can be generators of change as well as tolerance xo B
alcohol and breast cancer reoccurence
Hi everyone, just wondering everyone's thoughts on this topic. It was splashed all over the news yesterday in Melbourne. That having more than 60mls per day-the equivalent of 1/2 a bottle or less a week can increase our chances of reoccurrence! I know we all want to do everything we can to reduce this risk but at the same…
dating after a double masectomy
hello im wondering if theres any over 50yr old women out there how have had a double masectomy, and haven't had reconstruction nor wear prosthetics and have dated? I'm really interested in hearing stories from other woman how they felt leading into dating? if they experienced any negative issues and generally just after…
Dairy products query??
Hi..I'm new to this site, so please excuse any mistakes!! I'm 62 and I was diagnosed with Hormone Receptive Breast Cancer last July, had 2 surgeries which included nipple removal and lymph gland removal on my right side. Following that, I had 6 rounds of Chemo and 30 zaps of radiation. What I want to know is ....opinions…
I've written a book about fear of recurrence!
Hi everyone, A bit excited!Just sent the final draft of my book to someone so that it can be formatted for publication on Kindle. And yes, I did finally make up my mind about a title: 'FREE FROM FEAR - living well after cancer' It's got lots of practical strategies for dealing with that slow, creeping fear that the cancer…
Mona Lisa Touch
Hi Everyone I am 16 months in from having a lumpectomy. I am now on Letrozole and it does not have very nice side effects, one being a very dry vagina. Has anyone on here had the Mona Lisa touch done? If so do you think it was worth it and has it worked etc. What sort of cost was it? I am thinking of getting it done but…