Is it something to worry about?

primek Member Posts: 5,392
Hi ladies...and any gents here.

I just need to share this here. I'm frankly quietly freaking out but trying to keep sensible Kath in focus and make informed logical decisions.

So I finished treatment in Jan. I've had ACT-H but herceptin stopped at number 11. My health has steadily improved. 4 weeks ago I had my reconstruction changeover surgery. All went well. No infection in the re-excision site underneath the breast. Completed 7 days antibiotics. 

Then Thursday I noted a red spot...tiny spot (less than 1cm across) on my old very healed scar line, bc side. It just looked like a pressure spot. This area is numb so of course I can't tell if it is sore or not. It wasn't lumpy. Could see no mark in it. Just red...and up close look like tiny veins. Hmmm So following thoughts....maybe my cats had gone through my clothes and scratched my's got cold and they are on me. I can't feel there. But no puncture or puffiness to suggest that. Then oh...maybe its how I've slept and my rings were pressed up against it and left a mark  (this did happen with my But tested that theory last night and due to my now not droopy boobs this is virtually impossible. 
Yesterday I noted a dark pin prick centre. So I'm thinking...maybe it is one of the stitches from tbe original surgery being rejected and its forming an abscess. Looking today...the dark area is bigger but there isnt any indication of pus forming underneath indicating an abscess.

So ...I am left thinking it may be a localised recurrence. Now. ..who do I see? I have a planned GP appt for basic medical certificate re referral stuff...tomorrow. ..not my usual GP. I have an oncology appt in  1 week. Or do I just ring the breast surgeon rooms (500k away) and get an urgent appt? How quick do I need this looked at? Do I need to go to ED rooms and have them look at it? I don't want to drive 500k over a harmless spot.

This is the crap going round and round in my head. I haven't even told hubby about the appearing dark spot as really don't want him freaking out too. 

Thoughts please ...and anyone with recurrence after mastectomy ( @sillysam83) really helpful. I thought it would present more lumpy if that. 

Any ideas welcome. Kath

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  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Keep breathing! It may be a bite. I have had spider bites that look rather similar. For your own peace of mind (it's very important, never underestimate it) best to get it checked out. 500 kms is a long way, can you see your usual GP? He/she will understand your concern. Fingers crossed, it will be just one of those harmless things sent to freak us out. Best wishes, will be thinking of you.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited April 2017
    @Afraser Yeah...I keep thinking more likely this. Think I will go to the GP clinic at  the hospital today in case need antibiotics. Normal GP not available for weeks (she's popular) and tomorrows appt is 5.00pm so if needing antibiotics or something the chemist is shut etc.  If it wasn't right on the scar I'd be calmer. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Hi Kath - when I had my terrible rash, I was cofuddled and my gorgeous GP was on holidays so I contacted my Breast care nurse who in turn spoke to the surgeon and then he rang me and asked for photos via the mobile phone and it went from there.  Would that be an option for you?  There is no point second guessing.  Hope that helps or alternatively if you can email your breast care nurse with a photo and tell her the changes et cetera
    Good luck
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @iserbrown . Yes was thinking of this also. But thought they say straight to Adelaide as hard to tell from a photo.
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited April 2017
    Hey Kath @primek , totally understand your could call the surgeon and email these pictures to them (so often it's stuff they've seen before) and get their opinion...I would definitely start with the GP but also think about getting an idea from them (they might also want a pic that is further out, so they can see it in context). I would also think about doing the texta test - you know, draw around it and see if it gets any bigger (or doing same via your iphone).
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    We had to draw pencil lines around mine to see if it increased in size before the decision was made you're coming in!  Are your photos from one day only or over a couple where it is changing?  That may help, don't know!  Would they order an ultrasound this end before going to Adelaide?  I don't know these things, just thinking out aloud!  Hope you get peace of mine sooner rather than later as it's the not knowing is the so and so of all this!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Kath I can't really offer more than these wonderful ladies have already imparted! Could it be a pimple from using any sort of cream at all?? sorry something out of left field. I quite like the idea of emailing the pics direct to your surgeon if you can, its tough as I dont know how good your GP is, mines great but not great with BC. Hugs Melinda xo
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited April 2017
    Okay. Back from the weekend GP clinic. He thinks it is a pressure spot...and the darkened area is skin death (which happens with pressure sores) ...which is what I was thinking with the rings...but couldn't see how. My zonta pillow has little bows on them and possible they were caught up and pressing down...and because I can't feel anything in that area I wouldn't know. Because less blood vessels due to mastectomy it has a slightly higher risk.  He believes the red area is just the skin trying to heal it already and the dark area will scab up and come off. Happy for me to return if worried still and just watch. I will do so and if worried will send pics off to bc nurse at the Adelaide clinic where surgeon is. So no infection (never was a raised spot or pimple like area) and no need to cut it out or antibiotics at this time, and unlikely to be needed. Just darn annoying. I slept very heavily the night I noticed the reddened area in the morning. Both the nurse and the Dr today where astounded at my reconstruction. ..asking who the surgeon was etc and saying how good it was. Which is very nice. Felt comfortable with the  diagnosis and know I can go back for review if needed and I still have oncology appt Monday next week anyway.

    I might take my stone rings off at night ...which is damn annoying and either stop using the zonta pillow (so comfy post surgery though) or cut the straps and bows off as a precaution.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Kath, so glad you sorted it out, sounds like a great explanation and plan to see how it goes. xxoo
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I had a localised recurrence with skin involvement. It presented as a bubbly looking red plaque and came up quite quickly, but I'm talking weeks not days. I'm glad the GP thinks it is a non event, but I'm betting you will be happier when everyone has peered at it.
    The photo record will be handy and the idea of shooting copies off to Adelaide before you go is a good one. It's Sunday arvo. Treat yourself to a glass of wine on the couch. All this worrying is just exhausting.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Hopefully peace of mind 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Here's another rash. Zoladex injection port flipped and gave me curry. Could hardly walk till it went through my system. 

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey Kath @primek, glad that you're happy with the diagnosis and are now feeling better about it.  And I reckon I'd still be showing it when I got to Adelaide just for confirmation (certainly nothing to lose by doing that ). And yes cut the bows and ties off and don't give up your comfiness for anything.  Big hug.  Xx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Ouch Christine @iserbrown, that  does look  painful and your going to have some pretty colours there too!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Glad you got some answers, hope it all vanishes soon.

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