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Re: Friday Funnies

New Online Network - Important Information (Please read)
We’re thrilled to let you know that we are launching a new-look Online Network platform that will be easier-to-navigate and enhance your experience with us, while still allowing you to connect with others going through a similar breast cancer experience.
So that our team are able to migrate your information over to the improved platform, there will be an Online Network pause from 19-27 March, 2025. During this time you will still be able to access the Online Network however in READ ONLY format, which means you can continue to view everything but you will not be able to start a discussion or comment on a post.
After 27 March, we’re excited to welcome you to experience the refreshed Online Network. We’ll be in touch with further guidance on how to login soon!
We’re very aware how important our Online Network community is, and we apologise for the inconvenience of this disruption. If you need information or support during this pause, please reach out to BCNA's free and confidential Helpline on1800 500 258.

Re: Newly diagnosed

apologies if this has already been discussed but I couldn’t find anything elsewhere.
Re: Scared about the side effects of treatment
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
i was diagnosed in July this year with triple positive invasive ductal carcinoma - also in one lymph.
For me chemo was tough but doable. Key things I found helpful were to force myself to walk twice a day and do some form of yoga. If you don’t have a yoga practice something like the mediations/breathwork from insight timer can be helpful and some gentle stretching will help. Walking can be around your lounge room if that’s all you have the energy for or get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Just to help you sit with yourself and breathe. It was hard sometimes but in the end made me feel better.
also cut your nails short, apply nail hardner and keep them clean. Use unscented moisturiser like QV is helpful if you get dry skin. Keep a dairy of your symptoms both so you can compare rounds and know what worked to help you and to share with your team.
wishing you all the best xx

BCNA calling out the government - failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is calling out the government for failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination while showcasing its new genomics framework.
Cancer Australia launched the National Framework for Genomics in Cancer Control this morning, which aims to integrate genomics into routine cancer care, improving outcomes through personalised medicine.
BCNA welcomes the framework but condemns the Australian Government’s failure to follow through on its commitment to legislate a full ban on genetic discrimination in life insurance, a critical reform to ensure all Australians can access genetic testing without fear of financial repercussions.
“The Government cannot claim progress in genomics while failing to uphold the fundamental rights of those affected by breast cancer and other genetic conditions,” BCNA Director of Policy, Advocacy & Support Services Vicki Durston says. “If genomic medicine is the future, then protections against genetic discrimination must be part of that future.
“No more excuses. There must be action before an election is called or Australians are at unacceptable risk.”
BCNA calls on the Government to immediately prioritise its promise to introduce a full ban on genetic discrimination in life insurance, ensuring all Australians can access genomic testing without fear. Read full media release via link BCNA calls out government for failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination while showcasing its new genomics framework (Media Release)
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✔️ Contact your local MP using the form link Email your MP about delays in banning genetic discrimination | DELAYS TO BANNING GENETIC DISCRIMINATION IN AUSTRALIA