Diet and exercise

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@Bravo the advice I was given was always consistent. The oncologist ,gp dietician at the hospital,radioligist oncologist etc
They all basically said eat in moderation following a sensible diet. As for exercise the recommendation was walking and gentle exercise. It takes so much energy in the recovery process .
Radiotherapy was okay it was only towards the end of my five weeks treatment that I became very fatigued.
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Thanks @primek , I have ordered the healthy eating booklet. The download setting was too small and I would rather carry a booklet around with me anyway. I like the roster of eating and the mood report part in it very much.
I have also ordered a couple of books from including one with actual recipes since sometimes its not the actual foods, its the preparation and additives you need to be careful of.
Sugar was once a big part of my diet and now walking thru the checkout at the shops it just all looks like poison to me. I still like a bit of choccy now and then though and a beer with the neighbours maybe once a week.2 -
I am the Coordinator of the Living Well program here at BCNA.
As listed above there is information available on the BCNA website and in the Healthy
eating and breast cancer and Exercise and breast cancer booklets which can be
downloaded from the website or ordered over the phone on 1800 500 258.BCNA also has a
post-surgery Pilates DVD ‘Strengthen your Recovery’ which comes in the My Care
Kit but can also be ordered over the phone separately.You can find
more healthy eating and exercise information from the below sourcesCancer Council
Healthy Living after Cancer Program
Understanding nutrition booklet:
Nutrition and cancer booklet:
Exercise after breast cancer surgery:
Exercise for People Living with Cancer :
The program is available to people over 18 who have completed cancer treatment. You'll receive up to 12 health coaching calls over a period of six months from a Cancer Council nurse.
The nurse will work with you to make healthy lifestyle changes by
setting goals for physical activity and healthy eating. He or she will
help you reach these goals by giving you support, helpful tips and
motivation.For more information call 13 11 20.
A program which aims to encourage Australian adults to lead healthier
lifestyles – for Health
Provides up-to-date advice about the types and amounts of foods that we
need to eat for health and wellbeing –
My Healthy Balance
A free healthy lifestyle program for all adults – you would
like more information about healthy eating or exercise please get in touch at