Cervix polyp

Dandelion Member Posts: 102
Jan had my mastectomy for multi er + ILC currently having radiation , 2nd dose of zoladax and will start aromassin in 10 days after rads finish. Iv read it's very uncomfortable to do Pap smears and it's been s while but less then 2 years so go proactive and had one today and far out docs sees a polyp on my cervix . How do you get on with life when this shit happens . I'm starting to feel my body is like a Xmas tree lights of cancer . I thought I was already stressed with going trough bc dx and treatment :( 


  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited May 2017
    Hey @Dandelion...totally understand where you're coming from: I had something sort of similar...a uterine polyp though and something weird going on in one fallopian tube. Damnit, just when I thought I was over it all...and it was found 4 weeks prior to my DIEP Recon. Thankfully, my beautiful GP referred me to a gorgeous Gynaecologist who fast tracked my treatment and had me in a couple of days later, fixing it all laparoscopically. 

    The pathology was normal. Yippee.

    Hope yours gets resolved as quickly as mine did.

    Nikki xxx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh bugger. Brings up all the old fears. Hoping follow up appts come quickly and sorted soon.  Kath x
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    It sure does bring up old fears @primek and haven't even got over the initial one
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102

  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Who'd thought!  Yes the breast and the other bits are miles apart we think but not medically.  I too had a polyp and I am currently under a Gynaecology Oncologist as well as the medical oncologist.

    Not sure what's happened with your posting above but nice keyboard!!
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    @iserbrown, I'm out smarting technology
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    My gynaecologist said there would be 1000s of women walking around with what I had....because there weren't any symptoms..,.but due to the extra vigilance because of BC, they'd found mine! The procedure for getting rid of mine (it looked like something out of the movie 'Alien') was very straightforward. X
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Oh god @nikkid, I certainly won't be watching alien anytime soon