dating after a double masectomy

hello im wondering if theres any over 50yr old women out there how have had a double masectomy, and haven't had reconstruction nor wear prosthetics and have dated? I'm really interested in hearing stories from other woman how they felt leading into dating? if they experienced any negative issues and generally just after some fellow beings in the same boat. thanks for sharing


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I've had a double and the worst reconstruction job imaginable. Got back into dating about 3 years after I'd finished treatment. Online, no less. Once I'd figured out a few clever ways to indicate I'd had cancer in my profiles I was off and running.

    To be honest, most men couldn't give two hoots (pardon the pun) I'm no great trophy anymore and wanted to meet men who were more interested in what was going on between my ears than under my shirt. I know it is a bit challenging for some men, that's their loss. Don't get me wrong, I've been nervous as hell and am not at all surprised that a couple have found the mangled looking foobs off putting. Nevermind, sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs.

    You are more than the sum of your parts. Anyone who can't cope with you having no boobs, or not wearing your prosthesis ain't the man for you. Wave them goodbye. 

    Good luck and have fun. Marg

    PS. I'm now with a terrific guy who has stood by me through my recent recurrence. He loves me, boobs or no boobs, cancer or not.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I'm with @Zoffiel I was only 7 months into a new relationship when I had a recurrence, I was horrified!! and figured oh well he'll leave. He's still with me through it all heading to 3yrs this year, even the recent single mastectomy/diep flap recon I thought he may not like it. Not once through the whole ordeal has he ever said a thing. He loves me for all that I am, yes I had great boobs when we met he was more ok with me losing one than I was! I think honesty someone who genuinely is interested in you wont give a damn. Oh I too met mine online LOL Im 49. :D We actually laugh at so much of it and its wonderful. M xx