
In the last week to 10 days my husband noticed I have developed a red rash underneath and over the bottom third of my right breast. I previously had a lumpectomy for a HER2 + tumour which was located 10 cms above my right nipple, chemo and radiation which I finished in May 2016. The rash seems to have come up quite quickly. It's a little warmer than the other breast and my lymphs on that side are slightly tender. The rash has also been very slightly itchy. Antihistamines haven't got rid of it. It doesn't look infected, just pinkish and different to my 'normal' breast. Today I traced around it with pen to see if it will get any bigger over the next few days.
My GP is away and I don't want to go running off to a doctor if it's not necessary especially when my hubby is whisking me away for a few days on a canoeing holiday before I return to work. I have an appointment with radiation oncologist for a 3 month check up on 13 Jan. Would love to hear from anyone who has had similar rash or advice from anyone as to whether it's ok to wait until the end of next week to see someone. I would like to know what's causing it. Could it be a late effect of radiation? Grateful for your thoughts.
Is it in the fold? Just wondering if it is a fungal rash with the heat. A trial of clozole cream that can be bought over the counter won't hurt whilst you await a GP appointment. If worsens though...you know what you need to do. Kath x
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Thanks Kath and thanks for the picture. Mine isn't in the fold but I will try the clozole cream anyway. It can't hurt. Great suggestion!1
Have you changed creams that you use? You maybe allergic to something. My Mastectomy breast doesn’t like sorbolene
Take care from Christine xx0 -
Hi @Nadi - well done to you for being on track with your weight loss and aware enough that indulgences at Christmas time is about living and celebrating.
Good to know about increase in bone and joint pain - I too have noticed the same as I have had a similar outlook to you.
Started back at work today so I figure that it is less about being "festive" and more about "healthy" now and being on track.
I agree with the other ladies that it could be directly related to the heat and humidity, possibly fungal or a change in cream. I know sometimes I have received gifts from well meaning friends/relatives that purchase lotions, creams, shower gels etc (I only use non-perfumed goat's milk soap). Now I simply don't use them for fear of a reaction or added chemicals etc. Perhaps you received a perfumed gift for Christmas ?
Either way, purchase the over counter clozole cream as Kath suggested until such time as you can see your GP or radiotherapy appt.
Well done too on resumption of work for 11th Jan
Best wishes.
Sheryl x
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Nadi, great to hear overall youre doing well!! Let us know how you go with the Clozole cream, I do wonder as well, as my breast that radiation became easily irritated for a long time afterward, to the point I couldnt even get in a pool anymore as the chlorine would irritate the breast and it would turn pink. Hugs Melinda xo2
Oh...and fantastic work on tbe weight loss. I'm down 16.5kg...still 10 to go.2
Thanks everyone. I rang to book an appointment with my GP for when she returned from holidays only to find that she was already back! Saw her this morning. Once again she has jumped into action. I am now having an ultrasound and fine needle biopsy tomorrow morning before our holiday!. Couldn't help but shed a tear. I still think that it's probably nothing but to have to go through the testing again is making my stomach flip. Hubby is being very quiet as well.0
Pleased to hear that Nadi! Yes it is stomach churning but it is best to be safe than sorry. Here's hoping it is nothing just a reaction . I will private message you with a photo of my rash which gave us all grief but it was only topical in the finish. My skin decided all of a sudden it didn't like sorbolene any more.
Take care from Christine xx0 -
So glad it's happening quickly and she is being thorough. Yes...to the stress...it's like starting over again. Hope you have the all clear soon. I know we can't say anything to make the worry go but we are here for you. Kath x1
I have been through the trauma of a rash, at that stage mastectomy breast with expander - hospital for 5 days plus weeks of antibiotics. It was intense antibiotics so that my breast would be ready for the changeover surgery. At present my breast (the mastectomy breast with implant) has some swelling in it and my GP has said the minute there appears to be any redness come straight in here! Not sure why it is swollen however I have booked for a remedial massage as well as.
I do wonder if I will ever get to a stage where it is no longer a problem.
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Fingers crossed yours get better soon, Christine. We don't need these ongoing things. I am happy they could fit me in for a biopsy tomorrow as most places are still shut for the christmas holidays. At least I should know one way or another in the next few days. I also have prescription for intense antibiotics that I will get filled this afternoon.0
Good luck Nadi here's hoping the antibiotics knock it off0
Fingers crossed it is just a heat rash or similar and you can enjoy a couple of relaxing days before work.
chris0 -
Hope everything went well, best wishes0