
Hi Everyone
I am hoping I might get some advice with an issue I have been having.  I have had mastitis (in my L breast - same side I had lumpectomy) which has been persisting for a couple of months now despite several courses of antibiotics.  It is inflamed painful and I have green nipple crusting.  Has anyone else had this problem.  I would welcome any advice.  Best wishes xx E


  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524

    I can't really comment, I only had Mastitis after attempting to breast feed my 2nd child, I couldnt feed either children, but the Mastitis was awful!!! I'd go back to your Surgeon, is that possible? instead of your GP, as maybe they'll have more answers? Cheers Melinda xo
    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Melinda. I will be going back to the GP as soon as this last lot of antibiotics are finished and I am sure she will want the breast specialist to take a look.  I hope you are travelling well. x
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Ouch!  Just wanted to share my experience, not mastitis but an infection all the same

    I had an infection, which turned out to be topical so cleared with very strong antibiotics, both via the drip and oral - had a 5 day stint in hospital to manage same as it was every 4 hours.  I was told that infections can take a lot to shift - so perhaps you are in need of further antibiotics.  Do you have a breast care nurse?  When my infection started I couldn't get to see my GP so I rang my Breast care nurse and she got onto the Breast Surgeon and the visit and treatment started immediately. He rang me and asked for a photo to be sent on the mobile phone and then rang again and said pack your bag you're coming in here and Angela my darling Breast care nurse greeted me and the treatment started.  It was weeks of oral antibiotics, had to set the alarm as I needed to be disciplined as we wanted it shifted before my next surgery.  We got on top of it.  When they opened me up again for changeover surgery (11 weeks later) there was no sign of infection and we were all pleased as it was then confirmed that it was only topical.

    Hope it clears soon for you, take care
    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Iserbrown
    To be honest it could be an infection rather than mastitis.  I dont know.   I am on my 4th lot of antibiotics.  I don't have a breast care nurse.  I had a lumpectomy last March.  But now the boob feels like a volcano about to erupt  :) Eva 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,428
    Worth another look by the breast specialist. It may well be mastitis, but infections are quite possible and like Iserbrown, I had two mild ones and then a really bad one (week in hospital, drips, just the same) all caused by a persistent seroma. Whatever is causing it, you don't need it! Good luck.
    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    Thanks A
    I don't!! But I am grateful to hear yours and Iserbrown's experience.  Thanks heaps. x Eva
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    If you surgeon or hospital doesn't have one, mine was through the Breast Surgeon - check with them

    Here is the link to the McGrath foundation - put in your postcode and it will help you find one - they are invaluable in helping you through, they are a gobetween

    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Thanks for that Iserbrown.  I will definitely check that out x Eva
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Eva, I agree, it does sound more like an infection of some kind. Did you have any treatment of sorts after the lumpectomy? 
    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Hi Melinda I had chemo and radiotherapy which finished in mid October. E
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Oh ok, are you able to ring or email your Oncologist maybe? and ask? definitely need to see a Specialist to sort it out, sounds like. xo
    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Melinda I will x E
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Big Hugs to you!!! let us know how you go xo Melinda
  • Chabrittson
    Chabrittson Member Posts: 23


    I had mastitis like symptoms following my lumpectomy and I didn't even have an infection. My breast care nurse said she had heard from numerous women that their pain felt like mastitis.

    Doesn't really help you out but at least you know you're not the only one having these experiences.

    Good luck, I hope your pain subsides soon xo

    CHARLIES ANGEL Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Chabrittson x E