Cannot Give Blood anymore for 5 years post treatment....

Hi bosssum buddies,

I rang the blood bank today to let them know of my recent breast cancer diagnosis and radiation treatment and hoping to make an appointment.

I thought there would be some sort of waiting period following my diagnosis but to my surprise and disappointment, they advised that cancer patients cannot give blood for 5 years following chemotherapy and radiation.

I must admit I felt quite upset when they told me, thinking here is something else this breast cancer has taken from me, the pleasure of donating and knowing that I have helped others.

Anyway, just thought I would let others know about the 5 year waiting period.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,428
    I had the same reaction, made worse by the fact that I am now too old! Insult to injury! Can't be helped, at least we did it while we could. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I can undetstand if you had blood transfusions but very surprised.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

    Some of us will be able to donate but some won't 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 760
    I donated plasma every 6 weeks and was also advised that I can't donate for 5 years. So disappointing. It's funny though - theoretically I am cancer free. My grade 1 cancer was removed in mastectomy with no lymph node involvement but now I can't donate. I actually did have cancer when I did my last donation just before diagnosis (and goodness knows how many times before that) Go figure!  I'm with you Chabrittson, I really loved that feeling of helping people but I'll find another way to do it. 
    Just had a pink ribbon tattooed on my wrist to help raise awareness. I'll post a photo later.
    I think all you wonderful women are helping people everyday just by sharing your stories and providing incredible support to each other. 
    Jane xx
  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158

    Yes I had only shortly before my diagnosis given blood, so I rang them because I was worried I might have also donated cancer! I also felt unexpectedly disappointed when told I couldn't donate again for so long.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    @Chabrittson Yes you are completely right, in fact it doesnt even matter whether youve been treated or not, with rads or chemo, they generally say from any type of Cancer Diagnosis its 5yrs clear before being able to donate. I first heard of this over 10yrs ago when a friend was going through skin cancer in her 30's. Melinda xo
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    I have a rare blood cancer l can never donate blood again. I have a rare blood group and was able to add to their suplies. Alas no more
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Here's hoping for each one of us that drops off hopefully they find replacements. My hubby is diligent in donating possibly because I remind him he should as all of us can't at present.
    Any chance I  get I tell people they should have regular breast screening and also become a blood donor if you can. It all helps! 
    I'll get off my soapbox now
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    Was one of my disappointments too. Hubby still goes.