Getting there

Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
 In May this year it will be 4 years since diagnosis (at 47) for me (IDC Stage 3, Grade 2, ER and PR +). As time has gone by I have made many changes to my life. Changes that help me cope with side effects, changes that allow me to do more of the things that help me feel good.

Health wise I have maintained my weight after losing those extra chemo kilos and a few more for good measure. I exercise daily doing things that I enjoy with people I like spending time with. In the last 6 months I have added weightlifting to my weekly schedule for improving my bone density. Much to my surprise I absolutely love it mainly due to the terrific coach and lovely group that I do this with.

My healthy lifestyle includes a much healthier 'diet' with almost no refined sugar or packaged food. Just real food, prepared in simple but yummy ways.

Work wise I have finally made the break from teaching (which I loved but now find too stressful) and now work for my daughter in her thriving internet based business. Luckily we get along very well, even at close quarters   ;)

One of the main goals that I continue to reach for is to make life more simple. It is an open ended goal that I just keep moving towards. I am fortunate to have the support of my husband and daughters as we all have realised that life is precious and we need to live it well.

We have had a few hurdles since my diagnosis, not least that my husband is facing the loss of his sight at some (unknown) point in the future due to deteriorating damage from an auto-immune disease. Every flare up unfortunately makes it worse.

So as we begin another year, I feel happy with where I am and positive about what we have planned for this year. None of us know what the future has in store but each day that we make the most of is another positive one that can never be taken away. 

May there be many good days ahead for us all. Deanne xxx


  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 760
    Thank you Deanne. So many challenges but so much positivity. You are an inspiration and I wish you and your family improved health and happiness in 2017.  Jane xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Congratulations on the 4 years and to many more with less stress. Great plans and strategies and such positive lifestyle changes.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Great Deanne! I also have the same diagnosis as you in 2015 though mine was a recurrence in the same spot from DCIS however 4yrs prior to that and treatment. I have a pending mastectomy unfortunately due to having a recurrence it just makes sense. I loved hearing your Story, my exercise is slow to get off the ground still 1yr post chemo due to side effects and pain. So hoping this year I finally start kicking goals before and after surgery and enjoying all the other bits the year has to offer. 
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited January 2017
    Hey @melclarity

    It can be so hard with side effects and pain. I hope it does get better for you this year. Since I started Femara my body is much more reactive and the pain has stopped me in my tracks a couple of times. Magnesium (which I know you take) has helped but I also find some foods helpful and some a real 'pain'  ;) I find I have less pain if I eat lots of green leafy foods, ginger and turmeric. Foods that cause a reaction of pain for me are anything with refined sugar, salt, tomatoes and red meat. Since I have adjusted my diet I have a lot less pain. I also have found yoga and massage helpful. I even have magnesium cream to rub into any sore bits or soaking in an Epsom salts bath is very good too!  :)
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Hey @Deanne, Yes I have powdered Magnesium everyday and I also have a Magnesium spray which is great too. The pains I have are alot of cramping all over the body. My exercise physiologist said its because chemo shrinks the sheath across the muscle, so we're working on that and the stretching is helping. That is interesting about your diet. I dont have alot of red meat or tomatoes not often. However Ive cut out refined sugar. Im thinking of using ginger and turmeric in cooking, is that what you do?? I love ginger!!! My partner swears by ginger and garlic for everything! its even a natural antibiotic! I would always have a teaspoon of sugar in a coffee in the morning. I stopped about a month ago having coffee and so I think thats 7 teaspoons less a week to start LOL. Im hoping that will translate into losing weight! Grrrr!!! More determined this year, I have 6kg and its going to happen lol!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Deanne what a journey thusfar! Four years is a long time and a helluva lot of appointments. I believe this sums your journey up. Take care from Christine xx 

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Yes MEL, I use ginger, turmeric and garlic in cooking almost daily. I have also recently began taking a supplement made from turmeric called Curcumin. It seems to have improved the pain I had in my hands. My GP said there was no harm in taking it for me but seemed sceptical that it would do any good. However my osteopath was all for it and said there is a lot of research to show it can help with joint pain which is what I get. I think it is helping so will keep taking it I think. Sounds like your exercise physiologist is going to be a big help to you. Good luck with it  :)
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    Well done, Deanne.  You always give things 110% and deserve all the successes you have had.  I am so sorry that your husband's sight won't improve over time - that is really rotten.  Good luck with your training and I hope the trek with Sharon is easier for you this year - you are certainly ahead on fitness.  I am coming up to 5 years in April, still do gym most days and have kept the weight right down to pre-diagnosis levels.  Agree that food is ultra-important and intend trying the curcumin supplement for pain in my neck at night. Wishing you a very happy 2017! xxx Michelle
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Thank-you @Michelle R 
    Your encouragement and support has made an enormous difference to my life in the last few years. It has helped me to get up and try again when things have not worked out and also inspired me to believe that I could get over the hurdles.
    Yes, it really knocked us when the second eye specialist told us there was nothing more they could do for Tony's sight and that the damage was to both eyes. We had previously believed it to be just the one! But we just keep our fingers crossed that the deterioration will be slow and that he will have a lot more time to do the things he loves that require good vision. You never know maybe they will come up with something that will help in the future.
    I feel so very lucky to have a wonderful supportive family that understand my strong desire to return to Nepal and be there to witness Sharon's return to Base Camp. This is the life she loves and loves to share with others. It will be just as significant as her summit of Mt Everest in my eyes.
    5 years in April will be a very significant milestone for you. I hope you have something very special planned! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2017 too! Deanne xxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Thanks Deanne! Im going to try cooking more with those things too!! I love that you changed your job too! Im an aide in an Autism Specific School and Im really struggling. I have 1 more year of income protection, so I work 3 days but Im also having a mastectomy, so thankfully I'll be fine. But I have to plan for the following year and I have NO IDEA what Im going to do if I leave this work,its scary! I have lots of skills, my background is PA/Office then 8 years with special needs. Uuugh really have to sort it next year as I need income as am a single parent but the work has become too stressful. So I loved the idea that you work with your daughter, what sort of business does she have?Hugs Melinda xo
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    We have a lot in common, Melinda. While my children were young I spent 3 years working with special needs children, mainly Autistic, before returning to teaching.
    Since having bc I have struggled to return to teaching. Trouble with memory is a big problem for me and it gets much worse if I feel under pressure. I have been doing a little admin work for my husband's business but that is mostly 'unpaid'. This year I have decided that part time work for my daughter is the way to go. She designs and makes stickers for planning diaries. All I have to do is package orders. Gives her more time to design and make them. January is one of her busiest months so I have plenty of work ahead of me! Luckily we get on really well and she is a patient 'boss'.
  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    Well done Deanne - great strategies - loosing weight is on my list for this year. 

    All the the best for your continued success and wellbeing


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Deanne, how wonderful to be at the cusp of 4 years!!! You certainly achieve a lot and your positivity is brilliant. It's so fantastic that you get so much benefit from your weight lifting and enjoy it as much as you do. Well done on changing your work because it's quite a daunting prospect and it's excellent that you have such a good relationship with your daughter that enables you to do that. It also must be excellent for her to know that she has such a wonderful employee :smiley: So sorry to hear about your husbands vision I can only hope for you both that the deterioration is incredibly slow and that research provides some treatment options soon. Wishing you all the best. Xx 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Deanne, I hear you! Yes Im having trouble with memory also and it is worse in a stressful environment that requires you to think on your feet and be a psychologist and behaviouralist all at once!!!! Working with your daughter sounds ideal! and great for the two of you, lovely! Sorry to hear of your husbands eye sight! I'll have to keep my eyes open next year for the next new beginning :smile: Hugs Melinda xo
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619

    Deanne said:

    Hey @melclarity

    I find I have less pain if I eat lots of green leafy foods, ginger and turmeric. Foods that cause a reaction of pain for me are anything with refined sugar, salt, tomatoes and red meat. Since I have adjusted my diet I have a lot less pain. 

    Hey Deanne, Great update and great to hear you are doing so well. I am on the same eating plan and have found it has made a huge difference to my pain. I threw a dinner party last night, had a few glasses of wine and a dish with chutney (heaps of sugar) and now I am paying for it today with bad joint pain. 

    I've always been interested in weightlifting but feel too intimidated about doing this at a gym. You mentioned you do this with an awesome group. Is that in a gym or somewhere else?
