Exercise Physiologist, where do you get one?

Kim R
Kim R Member Posts: 146
Hi All, I just watched the rerun of the Catalyst program about exercising with chemotherapy, it was originally screened in May 2016. It was amazing the improvements in people's health and cancer reoccurrence. Has anyone been offered this type of exercise program with their chemo or after. I really feel neglected being in the country, I read about using the services of an exercise physiologist but there is none locally and none of my support team really emphasised the need. My support team has now dropped away after 12 months so I am feeling a little lost in my recovery. Be glad to hear of other women's experiences!
best wishes to all
PS just like to put it out there that I have lost 6kg in 2 months! Another 15 to go! The strange thing is I didn't notice putting it on. ;-p!!


  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    I'm in the middle of a city and wasn't offered or spoken to about anything related besides the nurse giving the orientation saying that we should make an effort to walk for an hour a day. 

    Maybe you could try this website to find one? :heart:

    Congratulations on shedding the chemo weight!
    Mine is slowly shifting but I doubt I'll ever fit into the jeans in my drawers again :lol:
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Kim R I'm in Melbourne and I start with my Exercise Physiologist today finally, the initial assessment was lengthy moreso the information gathered, I found it a little confronting, but interesting too! Looking forward to it, I am SO OVER THESE EXTRA KILOS!!! Furious!!! I only got onto this through my income protection AMP, it was an inbuilt component of one of my superannuations believe it or not!!! took me 1 year to find something to help financially. So they are paying for it for my rehabilitation back to work. Though my Oncologist supplied a report stating that exercise is beneficial but will not rehabilitate me and get me back to work quicker, its only time and due to Arimidex for minimum another 4yrs its going to impact me physically!!! YIKES!!!! so thats specifically in relation to the job I do. I work with Autistic Children, physically/mentally demanding. Thing is you need someone too who deals with Breast Cancer, do you have any insurances? you could enquire? or through your Breast Care Nurse?? Melinda xo
  • rosehaven
    rosehaven Member Posts: 11
    I got a referral from my GP for an exercise physiologist for a previous condition, 5 sessions covered by Medicare
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Hi @Kim R
    It is frustrating that not many people are offered the opportunity to see an exercise physiologist at ANY stage of this process. I also saw the Catalyst program and it certainly made sense to me that exercise during chemo could really help to minimize the effects on the body. I would have loved this opportunity during chemo but am pretty sure that is not on offer where I live either.

    It is not simply a matter of whether Medicare or private health funds will pay for it, it is that they are simply either not available in some areas or doctors are not fully aware of what they are capable of. I was in reasonable general health when diagnosed and muddled my way through treatment doing what I could exercise wise (mainly walking). After reading about other people's experiences on here I tried to find someone who could assist me in my recovery after treatment. The best I could find locally was a physio trained in Pinc Pilates. I found her terrific  but due to her own health issues she is no longer providing this service!

    Then when almost 3 years down the track I discovered I had bone density issues, no one (doctors I mean) suggested that an exercise physiologist could help. Again I was told to walk (I was already doing lots of this, plus the Pilates/yoga home routine that I had been given by the physio). 12 months later my bone density was at osteoporotic level in my lumbar spine and again all that was suggested was walking and medication.

    Through my own stubbornness and consequent reasearch I discovered a facility with an exercise physiologist 1 1/2 hours away. They specialised in helping people overcome bone density issues with impressive research to back up their program. Incidentally I discovered they also run clinical classes for people going through chemo too!!

    I have had 2 visits to the exercise physiologist (through the GP Management Plan subsidised through Medicare) and one to their dietician. I attend their weight lifting program 2 or 3 times a week and absolutely love it. I really feel that this is the answer for me regarding my bone density issue. I have side stepped medication for now and will find out in Feb if this is going to work for me. 

    At first I had to drive the 3 hour round trip twice a week to attend these classes designed by the exercise physiologist. But luckily they have since opened another facility much closer to me (only a 50 minute round trip!).

    So I'm sorry I don't necessarily have an answer in regard to how you can find an exercise physiologist except to say that in my experience you have to just keep looking. Then if you can find one within travelling distance, get your GP to do up the Management Plan to help pay for it.

    Maybe one day it will be more like what we saw on the Catalyst program with an integrated approach to our health. But in my experience we are far from it in most areas of this big country. Good luck. They are definitely worth the effort if you can find one.  :)
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    Hi Girls, can I ask, did you all put on weight during chemo??? or after on arimidex or tamoxifen???

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Yes, but part of that for me is all the visitors and cakes that they brought with them! 
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @iserbrown I am starting to feel totally ripped off!!!

    I was promised red pee after AC Chemo sessions & the best I got was 1 x fanta coloured pee for the first one after chemo & now no weight gain either.  

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    They promised me green pee after sentinel node biopsy and it was normal!
    Weight gain is a problem for me with tamoxifen and thyroxine - I have managed to lose 4 of the kilos thus far! 

  • Fiona_BCNA
    Fiona_BCNA Member Posts: 75

    Hi Kim R,

    So sorry to hear you feel neglected due to your location, it can often be difficult to find exercise physiologist in regional areas.

    You can search for accredited exercise physiologists in you local area using www.essa.org.au. If you are unable to find one in your area, it may be worthwhile asking your medical oncologist or breast care nurse to refer you to one in or near your treating hospital. It is also worth knowing you may also be eligible for Medicare rebates for up to five visits a year, there is some more information about accessing Medicare rebates for allied health visits in BCNA's Chronic disease management plan fact sheet. 

    If you would like some help finding an exercise physiologist or exercise opportunities in your area please contact me at ftansley@bcna.org.au.

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    Thanks Ladies,
    It was probably the cake during chemo that put on the weight, in my defence it was the only food that tasted OK. I will keep on looking! Wishing us all health and fitness in the new year. Kim
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Hi @Kim R I used to bean EP before I became a PE teacher and our services are so under used! If you can find one, get your GP to do an EPC referral for 5 free sessions and if you have private health their services are rebateable. 

    If if you can find an EP, see if you can find a physio. Be careful with personal trainers if they are not qualified with cancer recovery. I love PT's but an EP has much more knowledge and understanding. Where are you located?
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Kim! @ccasper is absolutely right! I started with mine today, and honestly, Im amazed at what she knew. I suffer constant back cramping and she explained how Chemo shrinks the sheath over the muscles. She took me through alot of stretching exercises and honestly they were so good, so she's looking at getting my core strong, thats the aim. She also said its a slow process, as all my muscles are fatigued and it will take time, but we will get there. Ive never been to one, but they are very different to a PT, and Ccasper you are so right, they are just so knowledgable and able to help recovery. Im a long way from riding a bike for 30mins or running a marathon LOL, but she was so kind and worked with me if that makes sense, as I was so self conscious and felt really anxious and vulnerable. I never used to be like that, but its what treatment has done I guess. So Im looking forward to a slow journey but a great one!!! So Kim if you can find one I think you'll enjoy it, as its not just about exercise. Hugs Melinda xo

  • Brissiegal
    Brissiegal Member Posts: 9
    Hello everyone 
    I saw Catalyst and was lucky enough to be involved with research through QUT in Brisbane and Dr Sandi Hayes. An exercise physiologist came to my house twice a week and supervised an exercise program of approx 45 minutes each visit. Along with this I had to exercise a minimum of 150 minutes per week so 60 minutes by myself.

    I take Arimidex everyday and my weight was 106.6 kg when I started in May 2016 .
    I joined Weight Watchers online at the same time and have lost 19 kg of weight and am happy.

    So you can exercise, eat a healthy diet and feel better even if you only start walking everyday.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Brissiegal Wow!!! thats fantastic!!! I am so keen to get off at least 7kg Ive put on now GRRRRR!!!! I did weightwatchers about 16yrs ago when I had my 2nd child. It worked great! It really is small steps isnt it?? the road looks so long, but I guess if we all look at one step at a time, we can get to where we'd like to be. x
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Thanks @melclarity I mainly worked with insurance but EP's are very empathetic and see so many range of people and it's about what you can do to help you get yourself to the point where you have home based exercises so you can self manage long term. Hope you enjoy your sessions. Be honest with pain, it doesn't mean what you are doing is hurting you or wrong, an exercise will be modified in order for it to suited to you and you build from there x