Wire free bras
Hi everyone just though I'd share that I found the best range of supportive wire free bras at Harris scarfe playtex range got 2 really supportive ones today with 40% off I am an e cup and fit the dd range small things make me happy
Post op
Hi everyone i am 10 days post op today and still have so much pain under my arm the wound has healed and is closed with no infection however there is a lump just near beginning of scar breast specialist said last week it can sometimes be scar tissue when she felt it.. i am numb under arm and down back of arm this hurts…
Ovarian reserve testing + Letter to ex GP
Since my last post I decided to be proactive on the whole trying to get pregnant soon thing. I stopped Tamoxifen on the 8th of November and need to wait 3 months before trying to start a family. I had been wondering if it was a gamble to try naturally first since time is so precious in this game or if we should go straight…
Free Art Classes in Kenthurst, Sydney
I found this flyer from the Cancer Council and offered to promote it amongst the ladies here. It sounds great and its FREE! It's a different kind of support group for anyone living with any kind of cancer diagnosis "Living with cancer can be very isolating – get together with others in a social, relaxed and confidential…
Hip hip hooray, My Care Kit arrived today! along with my free post op Berlie bra I am actually very excited - fits well, feels comfortable and now I have two breasts again!!!!!! Off to lunch and then Oncology appointment ........ Feels like Christmas ..... Oh, that's right it is Christmas! Doesn't take much to make me…
Christmas Cheer
I've been a bit depressed lately and haven't been motivated to do much. Some horrible tests ahead and nothing every seems to turn out right - we all know that feeling. Life seems miserable. So I decided Christmas cheer was in order. We haven't made a big thing of Christmas in the past but now it seems like a wonderful…
So today, I went to see the exercise physiologist who was very helpful & confirmed what I felt in myself, the aches & pains that slow me down when running are muscular, seems is need to stretch more & need massage... oh how I will hate that!!! So, full of excitment I came home & immediately registered for the 5.7km in the…
Exercise on chemo
Hi Ladies I just wanted to post on here to see people's responses. I have had a delay due to low neutrophils but they are back up and having chemo as we speak. I was talking to a nurse and a social worker that told me that I am exercising too much or at too much of an intensity. Now I walk about 4 times a week roughly and…
Vitamin D and link to Breast Cancer
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer this year. I have only recently finished my radiation treatment and am now on Tomoxifen for 5 years. In the last month, it was noted that my Vitamin D level was on the low side. Yesterday I happened to visit a musculoskeletal doctor about a muscular issue, who…
A little festive season tip talk!
Food tips Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food! With a little planning you can still enjoy the temptations :) * Avoid going hungry to parties. Eat something light before the party to reduce your chances of snacking on high calorie party food. * Don’t try to lose weight over the festive season.…
Afternoon All :smiley: Unfortunately life became a little hectic this last week so I decided, regrettably, no to participate in the Carmans Run yesterday. I did however complete my 100th parkrun on Saturday, I am still blitzing it!!!
Chemotherapy and Hashimoto's Disease - Autoimmune Thyroiditis
When I started chemo my weight was stable and I felt good. Three months in my weight was still stable, then on the fifth round of chemo my weight started rising by a kg a month and never stopped. It's now 18 months since I finished chemotherapy. The rate of gain has been consistently 1kg per month. I've been on a calorie…
Depression Group
Hi can anyone tell me if the Depression & Anxiety group is still active ??? Paula
"One-armed" Back Pack
Hi There, I seem to remember some time ago a discussion about suitable back packs to avoid lymphedema on affected side. Can't find the discussion in the search engine. Am I imaging things? Ta
The death of the 'other' me?
Hi Ladies' I am really sorry i haven't been here much and contributed the way I used to....the tables have turned, it's my turn to be down in that abyss, as i have so often referred to it myself......be patient with me...be kind to one another and yourselves....I'll be back on track soon....Promise! Xx From my Facebook…