Surgical clips
hi Ladies, I am wondering if any of you have surgical clips after lumpectomy? i wasn't told and only found out after having a chest X-ray. please let me know
Elevate -Brain training App
The countdown to the Carman's Women's Fun Run is on!
As the weather starts to get nicer and the silly season approaches, more and more of our members are enjoying the outdoors and looking to include some sort of activity into their days. The countdown to our 2016 Fun Run in Melbourne is on and this may be just what you need to kick start some new health and wellness goals.…
Has anyone joined the Healthy Living After Cancer Program run by the Cancer Council?? & if so, did it help, did it hinder, how did you like it??? I would welsome any feedback.. Cate
Woke up this morning sun was shining, no wind,got up & got ready for my 5km parkrun as I do every Saturday morning. By the time I got there it was blowing a gale & cloudy but off we went, like we always do rain , hail or shine. Had Flynn, a Kelpie, attached to me as his human is on the injured list & cant run & off we…
Losing Weight on Tamoxifen
Hi Girls, its been awhile. I was diagnosed in 2013, had chemo and four operations and was left with not much confidence in my body which I'd treated pretty well, I thought, only to be betrayed by my boobs. Three years later, I look in the mirror and don't like what I see! So I'm performing an experiment to see if its true…
Pre-cancerous changes
On Thursday I had an appointment with a gynaecologist which should have been nothing to worry about. As she commenced her examination though she immediately began questioning me about an area she could see that had some skin changes. While she was quick to reassure me that it was not cancer she did say that it could be…
Letrozole and Milk Thistle
My Oncologist changed my tablets from Arimidex to Femara (I take the generic Letrozole) about 7 weeks ago as I was having lots of side effects on Arimidex. About the same time I started on Milk Thistle to help the liver but now have been reading it may not be the best thing to take while on the Letrozole. Does anyone…
Feeling pretty crappy today
Today I just need to vent. I have had a really bad month with non cancer stuff. I have been off work since Sept 12 after collapsing at work a few times. I also had to stop going to the gym because my blood pressure which used to be very high but was controlled with 2 types of meds is now really low causing me to pass out a…
Buckets and Stress
I read somewhere (probably on here) that after you go through a diagnosis and prolonged treatment for breast cancer (and it would be the same for any serious illness or life changing event I would think) that your “bucket” for stress is always about 70% full (or maybe it’s only 30% of the size it was before bc). This…
We are whole
My daughter just tagged me in this video .... I found it emotional but good emotions... https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedladylike/videos/1858808131072078/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
First Chin-up. Yay!
Some of you may remember I recently began a weightlifting program to hopefully improve my bone density. One of my personal aims was to improve my upper body strength enough to be able to do a chin-up. Today I achieved that! What a feeling to achieve this. My body has been through so much and the aches and pains (Femara…
Breast Cancer has changed my fitness ideas to another level
Hi, my name’s Karen and I am a Breast Cancer survivor, a member at Fernwood Darwin and I have just completed my 'Certificate III in Fitness' through Fernwood Learning. In March 2012, at the age of 37 married with 3 young children, my life was turned upside down. I went for a routine mammogram and ultrasound following my 40…
Life returns to new normal?
Where has the last 12 weeks gone? So much has happened but it is invisible to others. I am back to work tomorrow and am looking forward to it but anxious as well. I put off my return to work 3 times but finally feel I am ready. I have no idea why I thought I would only be off work for a month!! I wasn't expecting so much…
Revitalise programme
hi ladies, Has anyone completed the Revitalise programme. Do you recommend it. Thanks Bevkk