
Member Posts: 446 ✭
Has anyone joined the Healthy Living After Cancer Program run by the Cancer Council??
& if so, did it help, did it hinder, how did you like it??? I would welsome any feedback..
& if so, did it help, did it hinder, how did you like it??? I would welsome any feedback..
Hi Cate, I have a brochure for the Healthy Lifestyle program (enrich) by Cancer Council and it looks fantastic, so am thinking of enrolling but it doesn't start until Feb 17.1
Hi Cate,
I'm currently doing the Enrich program every Saturday for 2 hrs. It's run by a Dietition and an exercise physiologist.I would say that the healthy eating part is fairly basic- I'd like more in depth.But the exercise part is good and is motivating me.2 -
@socoda & @TonyaM, thanks.
I have asked to join the 'Healthy Living After Cancer' program with the Cancer Council & am expecting a call from them in the next day or so.
I will initially receive a weekly phone call from the cancer nurse with regards to a healthy diet (yes, fairly basic common sense stuff) & being active (again, for me, fairly basic stuff) but also she/he will help me set goals for improving on it... It is over a 6 month period, initally weekly, then fortnightly onto monthly calls.
I already have my first goal in mind & that is the be able to run 10km instead of 5km.1 -
Cate I'm thinking with your determination that your not going to find that one too hard
- Excellent!! I'm interested in reintroducing weights into my workout but don't want to over do it. When does your program start?
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@socoda I believe it will start as soon as I receive the first phone call which I am hoping will be today or tomorrow.
&... I just have to say I so super phsyc'd about it, can't wait to start striving towards it, I am running in City@Sea this coming Sunday & next year I want to be doing the 10km instead of the 5km....1 -
Hi Cate, yes,I can join the CC phone support program as a follow on from Enrich course. Wow,you are way ahead of me if you are running 5k! Well done you.0
@TonyaM I was running 5km pre cancer so I just kept it up though I do have to say I am getting better times post chemo than I was before, yeh go figure!!!
I am trying my darndest to give myself the best possible chance by eating healthy & organically where I can & keeping active....1 -
You're a machine!!!! With your enthusiasm and planning we'll see you in the Boston Marathon- \o/ Yayyyyyyyyy Cate!!!!!!0
Well, it seems I am not such a machine after all @socoda & @TonyaM
Started out on such a high!! then I got the Cancer Council call re the program & sorry you dont qualify we only want curable people not people with mets!!! Nowhere in that pamphlet did it indicate it was some kind of trial or that there were any conditions of joining the program.
To say I am devastated is an understatement. I Relay for Life for the Cancer Council, this year I am even on the organising committee & now I need them or, want something from them, they are not there...........
So now this afternoon, after that call, I have hit a brick wall & am close to tears & a complete hissy fit meltdown. The same feelings & emotions that always ht me every time that oncology psychologist rang me.
I feel so well, how can I be so ill that everyone that is supposed to be there turns their back.
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Oh @Cate64 - really ?
You are "fit", focused on training and increasing awareness for the Cancer Council and yet the label "chronic disease" gets thrown back in your face. Well, they certainly won't want me either ! I saw this post and registered yesterday !
Thanks to you, Cate at least I have some kind of warning - you on the other hand did not !
I am so sorry that this one call has made you feel so disheartened.
You are still a machine and you are amazing.
Big virtual hug to you.
Sheryl xxx0 -
Hi Cate- I think that's discrimination and terrible! What a slap in the face from cancer and now Cancer Council.You sound fitter than me so why wouldn't you qualify for healthy lifestyle help?I could understand if you were bedridden in palliative care but you're not.You are a vibrant active amazing woman who has a lot of living yet to do.Surely it can't be so black and white.Do you live in Sydney Cate? I'm on the Hills cancer council committee and I'm now going in to bat for you! xx0
@TonyaM no I am in Melbourne.
I feel completely let down. No where in that flyer nor the internet did it mention conditions or that it is not really even a program, its 3 year study in its infancy.
I really wanted them to help guide me & help me setgoals in order to become fit enough to be competing in the 10km runs instead of the 5km..
Well you know what? I will do it myself, I can & I will compete at 10km level by mid next year!!!!0 -
@Share, i am sorry if it has rained on your parade, I know I was so looking forward to that phone call & getting started toward my goal... instead i felt like i had been kicked in the gutz & made to feel worthless.
I however, am Xena, Warrior Princess & I will achieve my goal thru my own goal setting. Gold Coast Marathon (10km) come at me!!0 -
@Cate64 Woohooo!!!!! You go Cate!!! I love your attitude!!!!! Hey I've just had a quick lookie around the web and found this 10km training program from Medibank at (Can get it in a pdf) You could always modify it as it will take 8 weeks to increase your distance to the 10klms but its a start. As for the diet related stuff with the program - when I start it in February I can send you all the diet related stuff that I get (can send it to you too @Share) so that you still get the benefits from the program. It won't be the same as being there and being monitored but it can be a start.
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Oh and Cate I can always set up a schedule to call you to monitor your progress just like the program - don't worry I can make you feel accountable - MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously though - I can phone you at a set time each week to see how your progressing and whether you are attaining your goals ;-)1