Drunk... but not drunk!

ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited February 2016 in Health and wellbeing

From today's FB blog


Day 5 - after round 1.

Had such a lazy day yesterday. Slept pretty good. Today is a bit cooler here so I've opened up the house to let fresh air in. I'ts been so hot, the air conditioner has been on 24/7, so it's nice to have a breeze through the house.

Woke up feeling a bit numb, as in, drunk numb and shaky again. Maybe that's a good thing you say? But not for me, I don't really like the feeling of being drunk, don't get me wrong I have had my moments, but this is not fun as there is no alcohol or bands involved! Haha! I seem to be in a dream like state, stuck between waking and falling sound asleep.

Decided to walk around the house a bit....push through the damn nausea that's still teasing me,and the shakes that make me feel like I'm walking like a toddler.... round and round I go with my shadow in tow...Poor Rusty he follows me everywhere, he even stands guard outside the bathroom door...love him to bits.

Thought I'd venture out onto the verandah, the breeze was refreshing but that lasted about a minute! The light really affected my eyes and the sun came out form behind the clouds and seemed to pierce through my skin like a hot poker! so inside I went :/ I have also noticed that I'm not as tolerant to hot water as I once was.

I noticed a little more hair on the floor than normal, and one of my eyebrows has gotten noticeably shorter! but i guess that's only going to get worse from here on in. I'm OK with that, it's just hair and it will grow back. I can rock the pinup eyebrows and "Rosie the riveter" style bandannas!

Thanks to everyone who follows, sends me messages and comments. It means a lot to know you are all cheering me on. It lifts me up.

Today seems to be an OK day....I'll take it easy....I'll be kind to myself.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! <3


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited February 2016

    I saw you post on face book but I had just gotten up at 8am and wasn't alive enough yet to post. Gee your hair dropping already? Mine took two weeks. I hadn't plucked my eyebrows in years and when most of my hair fell out they looked awful so I spent the day with a mirror and tweezers and shaped the brows so they didn't look so big and bushy.

    You sort of get used to the spacey feel and please be careful with the cooking and cutting up of things in the kitchen. One day I actually needed some supervision when I managed to boil over rolled oats in the microwave. Hubby did a magnificent job cleaning it up and I was very grateful.

    Your little dog probably likes the fact you have slowed down a bit and he can easily keep tabs on you now. xxxx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited February 2016

    Hi sorry you are still feeling crap, side effects from chemo are terrible. Hang in there your quote is so true we can be so hard on ourselves and expect to be able to go on as usual. This is not possible and chemo is hard, be kind to yourself and listen to your body.

    I had my hair all cut off after my second chemo as I couldn't cope with all the hair dropping every where and my husband picking it off my clothes.

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2016

    Hi SQ,

    I am still spacey and I have been finished chemo for 14 weeks! Your saying above just reminded me to just except where I am at present, it is only getting better from here. 

    All the best to you, it is amazing the things that we put our bodies though and they heal. 

    Take care



  • Jane-Altona
    Jane-Altona Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2016

    Doing FECD as well. Currently at day 9 of 2nd round. So feeling a lot better this weekend. Even gave my new wig a turn around the shops today. It felt good.

    I find the first 7-8 days is like living with a bad hangover while still slightly drunk. And the fatigue is just so constant no matter how many naps you have. 

    This last chemo not only did I take the anti nausea drugs but I also took some nexium for heartburn. It helped a lot in the first 48 hours. 

    The bad hot flushes seem to subside after the first 7 days & so do the shakes. I think my skin hurts easier ie hot water & bumping. Definitely got chemo brain, don't seem to be able to concentrate long enough for my craft stuff or reading. The taste buds are erratic. I seem only to be able to taste citrus & tomatoes. But thank goodness coffee is still ok.

    My hair fell out on day 14 of round 1. But my eyebrows & lashes are still hanging in there. Big plus is that I've not had to shave/pluck anything for the last couple of weeks. :)

    Must admit mentally I'm finding the second round harder than the first, I was very sad & unhappy this last week. I think it is because I'm not yet 1/2 way & I now know what is to come. I am not going to be normal again until the middle of May. It seems along time.

    I am still running & biking as much as possible (it's very very slow & short), it does help me try to feel like I'm the normal me. And I plan/book cultural events for the weekend before each chemo when I'm at my best.

    Love reading all your blogs, we are all so brave & resilient.

    Take care.

    X Jane


  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    My hubby is picking more hair off my clothes now than before... And there's a bit more in the floor... None in my pillow yet! 

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    Thanks ladies.... I was beginning to think I may be imagining it all! But alas, it really does suck!   

    I hope to get at least a few good days in between! Surely the universe will allow that! 

    Anyways thanks again, hope you all have an easy night.... Tomorrow is another day ???????