ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
edited February 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Morning Troopers!

I guess I am blessed in that I have a bit of a break while I recover from my surgery until I start active treatment...I'm expecting way too much of myself and want to jam pack these days with a lot! I have to step back and tell myself that it's only been three days since my re excision! This morning I got a follow up phone call from my anesthetist to see how I coped after the surgery with nausea...i was soooo sick after my first surgery, they tried a different approach in administering it this time...and it seemed to work!

So here's todays  blog from my Facebook page:

BELIEF - "Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion"

Belief is held high in my thoughts, even when I when I'm in a low helps to lift me up.

Emotions play a huge part in our lives don't they? Happiness makes your heart sing, makes the sun seem brighter, the grass seem greener, yet sadness can quickly block out that radiance.

I think it's important to let ourselves feel all emotions at some point or another, It's soul cleansing to have a good cry, mind clearing to scream at the top of your lungs, We should allow ourselves to feel these things.... but what is MOST important is whether you can release and let go of the emotions at play...

We need to be able to dust ourselves off, pick ourselves up and get on with it afterwards....NOT let them consume us, NOT let them take over our daily lives. Oh yes, This can be a real struggle to do when you are faced with a life threatening illness or challenges in daily life. I'm quickly learning that the "what if's" can cripple you, keep you weak unless......

You choose to BELIEVE.....Believe that the sun WILL shine again, Believe that you WILL get that job, Believe that THIS too shall pass, Believe you CAN do it, It may take a bit of work and some time but Believe that you WILL be OK!

So today, I choose to BELIEVE!

Love and light




  • Ruth Bird
    Ruth Bird Member Posts: 79
    edited February 2016

    Good morning Tracy

    I want some of what you had for breakfast! Great job with your re-excision and recovery - may your results be fabulous.

    Your post is timely. I've been stuck in an unproductive hole of my own mental creation. I can't let go of some emotions and patterns of thinking which have been triggered by the breast cancer but in the context of the fundamental problem re family shit. Decided to get some professional help.

    Today is a sunny, sparkly day!

    Thank you, and all the very best for your future active treatment. Look forward to reading about your progress.

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    Thanks for your words Ruth!

    Yes, today is a sunny, sparkly day!

    ....and tomorrow may be stormy and dark, but whatever the day brings remember ...after every dark night the sun MUST rise.... I'm glad you have sought help for your well being, sometimes THAT in itself  is the bravest and most important step in recovery!

    Go girl!

    Love and Light


  • cara121
    cara121 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    Hi Scorpion Queen,

    I love your positivity, this really is a rollercoaster ride.. I was diagnosed at the start of this year and like you I am now home after 2 surgeries, (a lumpectomy and margin scrape ) I am also waiting to find out what active treatment awaits me.

    I find that some days I'm ok, but others I'm really down, I have found exercise helps with this, even just a walk around the block in the morning can lift my mood. I had planned a south pacific cruise with one of my best friends for March this year which I will now have to cancel, I know that's nothing compared to the need to look after my health but it's just another thing that gets me down.

    Anyway, that's enough of my rants.. I'll sum up by saying I agree 100% with you that the "what if's " can and will cripple you, so I'm with you and I'll choose to believe and stay positive ! Thank you for reminding me !! :)

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    You're welcome cara! 

    We had plans too for this year, but we'll just move them till next year! 

    Good luck with your progress and treatments too!

    love and light for easy recovery  and beautiful days...




  • helendx
    helendx Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2016

    Thanks for the post Tracy.  It has been a huge help.  Love your fighting spirit.  Can you bottle it? xx

  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited February 2016

    Thanks Helen,

    Don't get me wrong, I have my days...I guess I have faced this bitch many times over the years with family members, most recently my M.I.L and my father, and friends and I was the only one who could face the reality of it all,, everyone else seemed to run or I became their carer ..So when MY own diagnosis came , yes I was upset, but then I was pissed off! ....I thought Hell no! I'm not finished here on Earth yet you bitch! ....but I do surprise myself sometimes!

    I guess after all the initial shock and emotions have settled, you come out of the protective "fog" your brain puts you in and you HAVE to tell yourself, I have to FIGHT and I WILL win! 

    Positive mindset, although terribly hard at times, plays a major part in your recovery. I am very spiritual and have meditation and other things to help soothe a  frazzled me....find what works for you and DO it! Find a mantra , write it down an hang it up where you can see it..... I am sending you positive vibes, love and light Helen... for easy recovery and beautiful days....

