
Ady Member Posts: 61
edited January 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Hi All

Well my planning day for my radiation treatment is all done and dusted and I am now tattooed. I start my treatment on 28 Jan and is five days a week for five weeks. I did feel it a bit daunting at the planning day lying there with my boobs (they are big!) exposed to the two people who were measuring me up (one male, one female) etc. And to think I will have to lie there like that for another 25 times all exposed but guess one will get used to it and am sure the staff just treat it just like another day at the office! It is a bit scary going in to the unknown but the staff are amazing and nothing is a bother to them. Since my first diagnosis I cannot fault all the medical staff that I have seen and there has been many. I am having my treatment at a brand new hospital which is really nice. But as each day goes by your mind sort of goes in to overdrive wondering will I have side effects from this and how tired will I get etc etc. But I guess it is a one day at a time thing and keep strong and positive and go with the flow sort of thing. I have a great husband walking beside me who is very supportive. I know I can do this and I will be fighting like a girl and believe for a Total Cure once it is all over. Ady XX


  • Piak
    Piak Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady


    I hope they put Mepitel film on you, if it is the case you should not have any itchy, stinging or burned skin which will help in your recovery.

    I had and as a result I did not feel tired (my guess from fighting any burn) during or after the 30 day treatment. Don't worry about whether male or female staff will treat you, I found that both sexes were very professional and very nice.  Each day they see too many boobs to  remember any of them.

    Good luck with your treatment.


  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady,

    i can understand feeling uncomfortable with the idea of male techs. I am 22 treatments done with 8 to go. Each day I have 1 female +1 male tech. They give me a sheet for "privacy" till its time to position. If I need to move different bits to different places it's always the girl who helps me while the guy does the computer. Think they realise we need some sensitivity & have always been professional.  The tiredness hasn't been too bad and my skin is pink but not too sore. Hope all goes well for your treatment. Keep on fighting like a girl, coz us girls - we're strong! Tracey ??


  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady,

    i am with Piak, make sure they use the silicon bandages they worked for me. I got a bit pink on the last week (of five weeks) but skin was healed after 2 weeks after treatment. I used a lot of moo goo, udder cream, great name! The hospital gave me 2 large bottles of the stuff. I was great during treatment got all my Christmas shopping done, become a lady that lunched, as I am in the country I had to spend the 5 weeks staying with a friend in town. But the day after treatment finished I feel in a heap, fatigue hit me over the head and I am still trying to pull myself out of the hole. Maybe I am just being over precious! 

    Good luck


  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Kim

    I too am using Moo Goo Udder cream but had to buy mine! I also use the Moo Goo deodorant. I will be asking about the silicone on first visit if they do not use it. I am in the country too but can drive each day there. It will take about 40 mins to hospital and 40 mins home. I am planning on resting a lot as do not want to fall in a heap at the end. I will restrict what I do and ask for help if needed. Meals are prepared now and in freezer so that should keep us going. Hope you start to get out of that hole and live life like you should be.


  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016


    Thanks for your input. I have had babies so really would rather have my boobs showing haha. Yes I agree that the technicians were very professional. I will get over it. Hope the rest of your treatment goes well.


  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Piak

    Thanks for your support. I will be asking them about that film on my first day if I do not see them getting it!!

    I am going in with a fighting spirit so know I will be fine.


  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady,

    you seem to have it under control. I did not find rad hard it was nice to get to know the techs as you see them everyday. Getting your boobs out is a non event. I have more trouble in taking my hat off!

    be kind to yourself.

  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Kim

    I hope I have it under control. Going in with a positive attitude as do not know what to expect. Every person's body is different to how it reacts to stuff so hope mine will be okay. I do have a few allergies. I am so pleased I did not have to have chemo as hate hats and certainly would not want to take it off! I like your sense of humour :-)
