Soreness after lumpectomy

Ady Member Posts: 61
edited January 2016 in Health and wellbeing

Hi All. I had my lumpectomy on 20 December. I had two lumps removed and four lymph nodes. Ever since the op my breast has been very sore. One of the incisions is pretty good but the other one is quite a large scar and lumpy and it is right by my cleavage and that is the one that is bothering me and also on the top of my breast. I also find it is hard to get comfortable at night (even with the pillow that the breast care nurses gave me). Has anyone else had this? I am lucky to not to have chemo but will have radiation (first appointment with the Radiation Dr tomorrow) and then when that is finished I go back to the Oncologist and he will start me on the pill I have to have for five years. Other than the soreness I feel really well and am managing to do more things each day. I have had a positive attitude ever since diagnosis and think this helps. My husband is a very positive person and we have got through so far really well. Thanks for listening.


  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady,

    early days yet, it can take awhile to stop hurting I found ice packs good. Good luck with radiation, I had clear silicon bandages put on my breast they did a great job of protecting my skin. Not all hospitals use them so maybe you should ask about them.  The first couple of weeks were fine on radiation but then an overwhelming tiredness descended and still hasn't lifted after 4 weeks. It just takes time be kind to yourself.


  • Ruth Bird
    Ruth Bird Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2016

    Hi ady

    Sounds reasonable considering only 3 weeks postop. If it was a larger area to remove tissue that's probably why it's sore compared to the other site. Lots of inflammation and healing going on inside, but doesn't sound like infection (redness and feeling like crap etc, you just know). It'll settle. Ice packs sound like a great idea. Maybe the radiation doctor can check the area tomorrow.

    Glad you don't need chemo. Wishing you and your husband all the very best!

  • Kerr Kerr
    Kerr Kerr Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2016

    Hi ady

    my surgery sounds very much like your.....I finished my radiation 22nd December. 

    Moo goo was the cream I used and it was great. I had redness but no burning. I used it three times a day and boy did it soak in fast when I applied it. 

    I will let you know that the lumpiness increases with the radiation. Well at least it did with me. Very weird feelings with the radiation. My breast felt very heavy and lumpy still feeling like that from time to time. If you have one of those beanie pillows use that to help you get comfortable at night. Also my nipple got very sore and lumpy too. 

    Im not being negative but no one ever said anything about that. I suppose a lot on here have had their breast removed so the radiation would effect them differently. 

    It will be over before you know it. Hope it goes well. 

    Kerr Kerr

  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Kerr Kerr

    You do sound as if you have had similar to me. Interesting you said about your nipple as mine is the same! It's kind of weird to say the least haha. When did you use the Moo Goo cream? After radiation or?? I had a lot of flesh taken from around where the lumps were. One is fine but the other big one is the bothersome one. I do have a pillow that the breast care nurses gave me. I use it every night and when I go out in the car. Some nights are better than others trying to get comfortable. Thanks for replying.

  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Kim

    Thanks for your reply. I will mention to the Radiation Dr about the silicone bandages when I see him next. My next appointment is my planning day and then the treatment will start. I have been told about the tiredness so will be kind to myself in that period. I am not one to sit around so it may be hard to rest but know that it is not going to be forever. A few months out of my life is nothing as I am alive!


  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016


    Thanks for your reply. I had two lumps removed and one of them is going great but the other one had the most tissue taken from around it and it is in the cleavage area and the surgeon had to cut where the biopsy had been done and it was purple so guess that is also a reason why it is so sore.I have good breast care nurses so can be in touch with them if needed.

    Thanks for your well wishes.


  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ady  I finished chemo/radio in July 2014 and still find it difficult to get comfortable in bed each night!!!  Lumpectomy near cleavage and node clearance.  A comfortable position one night often changes the next night.  Keep telling myself to take note of how I wake, but forget each morning.  Been thinking of getting a full body pillow to see if that helps.  Hope the radio goes quickly and a big whoo hoo for the no chemo.


  • Ady
    Ady Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2016

    Hi Pam

    I hope that my soreness doesn't last that long! Not good for you. My favourite side to sleep on is my left breast that was operated on!! I toss and turn all night and don't think I ever remember which side I wake up on. My husband is my body pillow haha. Just waiting for my planning day for radiation and then it will all start. Thanks for your reply.