Sleep / Energy / Tiredness
Hi there I've just started work again which is brilliant (two months after surgery) - day 3 today! Yep determined to look after myself and a very supportive workplace. Apart from stuffing up by medication (taking 2 x Dex each day - everyday (not just for two days after chemo) and then Lox for sleep, yep was a mess. Nearly…
I've put this under "Health and Wellbeing" because for me, it is... I've just looked out of the kitchen window and noticed that my daffodils are coming out. These were always considered in our family to be my sister's flowers as they were always blooming for her birthday in September. This was well before they became a…
Water water
Hey guys, How much water do you guys drink a day? Im trying to do 2litres a day. Water is driving me crazy. I know after a round of fec-d i need to drink even more. Tia
I have put this post in the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group a few days ago however, I notice that there's a lot of activity in the Night Howls group so perhaps it is worthwhile being here as food for thought as well as! I was a stomach sleeper for a lot of years! These days I try to sleep on my back but side sleep…
Good morning ladies. This question may have been asked before. Does anyone who is ER+ HER2+ take DIM or any other supplements and have noticed a marked improvement in sleeping and general well-being. I have read conflicting evidence that supplements do work. I have an Onc appointment in a month and I will ask him but was…
Horse Riders/enthusiasts going through BC
Hi thought I'd post this to help heal and motivate those interested in horses that would like to share how they are managing with their lovely steeds and their family. And would like to share their stories and pictures to inspire others that sport and exercise may help especially by participating when possible and taking…
Overseas visitors staying during radiation
I am new here so hello everyone. I have had a mastectomy and a week later had my lymph nodes removed. I start chemo on the 10th of sept for 16 weeks then soon after that I begin radiation for 5 weeks. During that 5 weeks I have a cousin and her hubby coming from America. Am I going to be up to having them stay. I’m the…
Has your BO (Body Odour) changed with your treatment?
Hi guys Just wondering if you have noticed if your BO has changed (become more pungent) after your rads and/or chemo? I first noticed it during rads (hmmm ... maybe it was the 'fear factor' making me sweat more - plus of course, not being allowed to wear deodorant until after each rad was finished for the day ....)…
Hi All, Just wondering what, if any, Vitamins you are on during chemo. Has anything been suggested to you? My chemo program is AC & Taxol. Thanks!! 😊
Some good doctors visits
I’m very pleased to have had a couple of good doctors visits over the last week. its amazing how much of a difference it has made to my attitude - you know that positive one we are supposed to foster! so the first was the standard onc visit last week when I got my whale stamp for good blood results I felt like a 3 yo at…
Breast Cancer Wellness Session - Adelaide
@fletch and I attended this session yesterday. I said I would report back on the hormone therapy component. To be honest. I didn't feel that there were any great insights. It was pretty much a textbook presentation and I also thought that it downplayed the impact of side effects such as joint pain and sexual problems - my…
A worthwhile read
Ten things every woman needs to know about breast cancer - Daily Mail https://apple.news/AnzQyNRhvQgOSEjR1po4O7Q
12 months on
Hello im hoping someone out there can identify with my experience so I can shake the feeling of being a bit inadequate. i was diagnosed 12 months ago, had 2 lots of surgery and 6 weeks of radiation treatment. i have a stressful job, aging parents and have built a home - all in the last 12 months. i feel exhausted and…
Look good feel better workshops
Has anyone done one of these? I’m contemplating going to one and want to know if you got any benefit from it and if so what? My worry is Im due back at work soon and I just don’t want to look like crap every day. Most of my clients know I’ve been on long term sick leave and a few even know exactly what for.
Depression,PTSD and BC
Hi all, this forum has been invaluable to me since my diagnosis on May 26 this year. Had lumpectomy ,left breast,including loss of nipple, clear margins, nodes all clear. Yay! Stage 1, grade 3.About to start chemo, TC, on Thursday. Have lots of support too, I am very fortunate. I feel as prepared as I can be.....everyone…