Nipple Tattoo
https://twitter.com/Jo_Hall9/status/1028186767634063360 On tonight's Melbourne Channel 9 news was a story on Nipple Tattoos - link above is the twitter of the reporter. Dean Trotter was the surgeon featured (I think some of you have mentioned him as being your Specialist) and the charity that helped make it all possible is…
Plan B Conference
I'm on the train slogging my way in from the outer-east. Rude shock getting up at 0630! I hope everyone's making their way to the Glasshouse, fully clothed (you know who you are ;) ) and keeping dry. I know the weather is peak Melbourne winter but I'll never complain about the rain.
CBD Oil with THC
Hi all Is anyone using CBD Oil with THC? If so, what dosage and strength are you on and what have you found that it has helped you with? Thanks xx
Found new lump in dissected armpit this morning.
Hi everyone, I've not been on here for a few months as my life's been pretty full of non-cancery things. I recently left the family home with my two little ones and it's been an intensely stressful and emotional experience. Anyhow, this morning whilst showering, I found a lumpy area in the armpit which has had all the…
Sore bones and joints
Hi all. So everytime I get up from laying or standing, I am hurting everywhere. It's ok once I get going though. Why so stiff? I'm nearly 6 months post chemo. Does it get better?
Encore - free hydrotherapy for breast cancer
Just a reminder .The YWCA in most states ( not Vic atm but I gather is being looked at seriously ) runs a free 8 week x 2 hour hydrotherapy course in both metropolitan and regional areas. The next courses will be starting soon usually October . In addition to hydrotherapy there are talks on the Otis foundation ( free…
Hi all Since chemo has begun, i feel life is different. Im anxious alot fearing what is going to happen next. I havent been going out and just feeling blah. Today whilst feeling like that a friend turned up. I cried on her shoulder and she gave me a canvas with never give up on it. I felt much better and she is going to…
Tara’s Story – Finding the good in the bad
This young lady shared in the TNBC group on facebook that I help admin this video it is powerful so I asked her permission to share it here. https://iconcancercentre.com.au/taras-story/
Parabens and Phthalates
I'm not sure who posted about moisturisers containing parabens the other day, and can't find it now, but there was an interview on breakfast radio the other day about it. I think the interviewee was from SAHMRI (but didn't really catch it properly) and she was talking about chemicals in cosmetics that are known endocrine…
I Can't Blame the Lack of Sunshine...
It's been a beautiful day - Spring in the middle of Winter - but it might as well be overcast and dark. It takes so little to cloud over any positive feelings I have. I finally got myself to the phone this morning to make the appointments to get me to a psychologist as I need to have a health care plan done. I'm pretty…
WHO ELSE CAN'T SLEEP? - MARK #2 Indignation at Closure of Original Thread
Imagine: Here I am at 3 am, unable to sleep and happy to be able to get onto my favourite thread and chat with some of my favourite people, like @kmakm @Kiwi Angel @finch @eastmum @SoldierCrab @Kattykit @tigerbeth @kezmusc. connecting me across this country with a common side-effect of this 'Shitfest Spectacular'…
Morning - As some of you may know from my last post, I have put myself on a break from the forum as I take stock of where I am at and be in the background for my baby sister who has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. However, over the weekend I did some selective reading and found a couple of threads that were…
Today's lesson
On an earlier post someone on here upset me and I reacted - not a good look! The comment was around grape juice and I don't drink - has nothing to do with religion or anything else for that matter. Personal choice and I am always the nominated driver when we go out and about with others. We have a friend who's wife was an…
Thank you for your support
I just posted a question about hair colour and it got me thinking about all of the people I've met on this site since December. I know that I've still got a lot of "new experiences" to come but looking back on the last 8 months of diagnosis, surgery and chemo, I couldn't have done it, and stayed relatively sane, without…
Left and Right
I'm sitting in the waiting room ready for my exercise class and I've just seen a notice about a study for BC survivors and recognition of left and right sides of the body. That has got me thinking of course - is this something people do suffer from (apart from normal left/ right confusion)?