Encore - free hydrotherapy for breast cancer

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
edited August 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Just a reminder .The YWCA in most states ( not Vic atm but I gather is being looked at seriously ) runs a free 8 week x 2 hour hydrotherapy course in both metropolitan and regional areas. The next courses will be starting soon usually October .

In addition to hydrotherapy there are talks on the Otis foundation ( free holiday accomodation) , post Op bras / bathers/ other clothes and other topics of interest each week. Best darned thing I have done - also enables meeting others who are in the same boat to talk , share and yes even laugh.

If you are interested contact your state YWCA either online or by phone soon as places fill quickly. SA has only 2 courses - sadly both metro but have been told the south east will have one soon.NSW has an extensive program both metro and regional as it has state govt support. The other states have programs too.