Low carb/high fat
Hi I've just been diagnosed and am wondering if anyone eats low cab and what difference or effect has it had on your journey? Thanks ❤
Have the blues hit this site?
I don't know whether it's my imagination because that's the space I'm in at the moment, if it's just a cyclic thing and there's a lot of us active around the 6-12mth post-diagnosis, or is there some seasonal mood disorder, at least for us in the more southern areas of the country, but there seems to be a major attack of…
Insight on SBS - exercise
I watched the second part of the exercise Insight programme on SBS last night. I have seen it before (it was a repeat) but amazing how differently I viewed it this time. The first time I saw it, I was interested - this time I watched it as a survivor.
If anyone is interested in taking part, SAHMRI are conduction research into the emotional and physical well-being of Australian women who have had breast cancer: https://www.sahmri.org/population-health-theme/news-204/ It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Good News
Hi I went and saw my Surgeon today and received good news My tests results came back all clear it was my first anniversary, Added bonus my Fibroadenoma has gone after 20 years and I have changed my lifestyle and I am happy with my life and keep thinking positive thoughts and do random acts of kindness.
Long messy ramble - fertility after BC - needed a vent (thanks & sorry!)
Well once again I havent stopped by here for a while. I have been feeling too sad and needed to get my thoughts sorted out a bit better before trying to write it out. (this website is very cathartic) In December I decided to be proactive with the idea of starting a family since I had been given permission to stop taking…
Fear : does it ever leave you?
25 months post diagnosis, 6months post treatment not including daily letrozole- 10 day old First time Grandmother at 53yr old!!!!! I’m blessed to still have my mother, so 4 generation of girls- very special!!! I hate that any and every special thing in my life awakens my darkest fear. Do you ever get to a point where you…
Exercise and breast cancer
There’s been quite a bit of discussion online the last few weeks regarding the benefits of exercise and whether what we are reading on Google is to be believed. We therefore thought it might be helpful to make a comment on this. There is a growing body of evidence around the benefits of exercise for people diagnosed with…
One year after surgery ...... and all good!
Last week I had a mammogram and ultrasound, and yesterday I saw my surgeon one year after my lumpectomy. At this stage all good! I am very happy. Continue to take Anastrazole tablets, luckily with no side-effects for me. Love and best wishes to all BC sisters and brothers.
YES Org is having a sale - help with atrophy and dryness
Just wanted to let those of you who are suffering from V atrophy and dryness know that YES org is having an online sale until 25 June 2018 and has free shipping for orders of a certain value. Their products have made a huge difference to my life and brought relief since chemo slammed me into early menopause. Yes products…
Getting the flu
have finished chemo bout 2 months ago but just come down with the flu (courtesy of my precious granddaughter). Do I just ride it out at home or worth going to the doctors (thinking about immunity levels) or am I over reacting ?
Webinar about hereditary cancer risk
Saw this come up in fb newsfeed in case anyone is interested https://nbcf.org.au/18/webinar/
iPrevent survey
I just completed this survey. What a load of bollocks!
Infected Tissue Expander - reconstruction advice
Hi girls and boys, Im back in hospital with an infected tissue expander (the syringed out 180ml of pus) the chemo had turned my seroma into a toxic soup. It’s now gone to cellulitis. I’m currently on iv antibiotics, the Surgeon has said he will give it a couple of days then if infection not cleared up he is gonna take both…
My oncologist just showed me this app and said this is the one that she uses to check what herbs are ok to take.