Fatigue study
Hey All. This popped up in my facebook feed. Now as I think I've almost beaten my fatigue monster I'm not going to join but thought this may be helpful for some of you. It's an app to assist in overcoming fatigue with prompts, to rest, exercise etc. It might just be what you need. Free if you become part of the study for 5…
Body scan at the gym
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. It probably was. But, bloody hell, 35% body fat and a metabolic age of 61? Crikey. Thankfully most of the lard appears to be stuck to my arse rather than nestled around my bodily organs--I guess that should be a bit reassuring. No? So, it's no wheat, no lollies, minimal…
Good for the soul!
So was sitting at Salsa (my favourite restaurant in Port Douglas) on Mother’s Day with my family and kept catching the eye of this woman across the room. I was racking my brain trying to think where I knew her from but couldn’t place her. Thankfully this gorgeous woman walked over and introduced herself as @Kat09 from this…
just found out at Mother’s Day lunch that my Mother in Law has told my brother and sister in law (who we are estranged from and haven’t spoken too in about 6 years) about my breast cancer diagnosis after my husband expressly told her not to cause I didn’t want them to know. I am so upset and angry, just about burst into…
Delayed emotional fallout
I had a double mastectomy following DCIS diagnosis in March 2018 with direct implants. I was fine with that, but then the skin got dry gangrene on the right side and had to have the nipple removed, then the implant removed, then lost the expander as well. Now nearly two months later I have an awful looking mess on the…
Broken humerus
I had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed over four years ago and have now broken my humeral bone on that side. Am wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if the bone healed without surgical intervention. Since the removal of lymph nodes I find that even the smallest cut to that hand or arm takes a long time to…
Chemo Brain
I'm three years post-treatment and having some issues with cognitive function. I remember during chemotherapy that I lost track of time and space a bit. I'd wake up not being awake of where or when I was and needing to orient myself often. These days I'm a bit better at it, but planning is hard, timetabling is hard,…
good evening lovelies...I really want to get rid of these kilos I’ve put on over the last 12 months...I’ve been thinking of doing the Modere Detox/Diet. Has anyone tried this or know of anyone that has? Thank you Nellie xx
Overdid it
I feel like I've been hit by a steamroller. Second taxol was on Thursday and I haven't been feeling tooooo unwell so wanted to tick a few things off at the shops this morning. I took all 3 kids to get haircuts, trawled around the shops mainly to get my son to try stuff on (he's outgrown boys but skinny for mens and…
Mothers' Day Classic
This will be my 8th year walking in this event at Parramatta. Does anyone else on the forum participate? It is a great day. This year I will be out with my green, teal and pink ribbons. "Don't ignore Stage 4!"
Mean Cosmic Clowns.
Hello all....I've been off the radar for the past two weeks due to yet another 14 day stint in hospital. This time the Demonic Cosmic Clowns got out their bastardly deck of cards and decided to toss yet another onto the table. Just been told they have good news and bad news. I haven't had a stroke, but.... I do have a…
What is this? BC was all behind me
I have been doing really well. I mean really, really well. Diagnosed Oct 2015, surgery chemo, radiation, 12 months Herceptin all over by Dec 2016. Finally got back to work full time more than a year ago. Full steam ahead. Hot flushes - damn annoying - ever present and fluctuate in number from week to week, but so much…
Well being
Today I filled out a questionnaire for the Ex-med Cancer program. Well I cannot believe how it has caused me to feel slightly emotional. Naturally the questionnaire is in depth and what it has done has stirred up all the emotions. I can talk about it until the cows come home but to actually relive it as I went through the…
Flu shot
I have just been to visit my G.P. for my X-geva injection. She wants me to check with my oncologist whether I should have a flu injection or not. I am on Capecitabine. I don't usually have a flu injection, even though I used to work in a large public hospital, because one of my co-workers nearly died from respiratory…
Get Well soon Dear K. @kmakm
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