Chemo Brain

KatieT Member Posts: 56
edited May 2018 in Health and wellbeing
I'm three years post-treatment and having some issues with cognitive function.  I remember during chemotherapy that I lost track of time and space a bit.  I'd wake up not being awake of where or when I was and needing to orient myself often.  

These days I'm a bit better at it, but planning is hard, timetabling is hard, tracking things is hard and I cannot remember details or guarantee I'll be at an appointment no matter how good my intentions are.  I was never like this before BC.

I have been trying to use my phone to prompt me and having problems with not hearing it if the sound is too low or not having the phone close enough to me.

I'm wondering whether an Apple watch might be a good thing for me.  I don't know if they vibrate on reminders or not but maybe that could work. 

I'm at a point where I'm wondering if I'm fit for work any more.


  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hey @KatieT,

    I sometimes have the same issue, but it is the Tamoxifen doing it. I have a lot of trouble with word recollection.  Often sentences come out backwards.  At work the other day I had to write a Doctors name on the whiteboard and wrote it completely backwards.  Gave the nurses a bit of a laugh.  Multi tasking at work is sometimes difficult if it's really busy and my brain just fogs over and I can't think.   Right now I have an alarm set to remember to put the roast in for dinner.!

      I know this is the Tamoxifen because I have done several trials off it and it goes away.  Are you on Hormone Therapy?

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    I have a MiBand which I can set alarms too much cheaper than Apple watch.