Body scan at the gym

Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. It probably was. But, bloody hell, 35% body fat and a metabolic age of 61? Crikey.

Thankfully most of the lard appears to be stuck to my arse rather than nestled around my bodily organs--I guess that should be a bit reassuring. No?

So, it's no wheat, no lollies, minimal caffeine and (sob) reduced wine to see if I can turn things around in 6 weeks. That is something that has worked for me in the past, I've just lacked the will power to enforce it on myself lately. There's nothing like a seeing things in black and white to motivate me so here goes. I need to get rid of 5 kgs, minimum. Sigh.


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Oh, dear! Just think about how virtuous you'll feel in 6 weeks...
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Umm, it's more likely that I will decide that being a fat old woman is inevitable and I might as well start getting used to it ;)


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Definitely reassuring that it's not round your organs.

    I'm so proud of my weight loss but I'm only just not officially 'obese'... Such a long way to go until I'm out of the 'overweight' category. It's bloody hard work.

    Good luck Zoffiel. I'm rooting for you!
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    Here for you Zoffiel, it is hard I need to lose another 20kgs to be not overweight  ho hum 

  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    I didn't know gyms did that. Would love to have that done. What gym did this for you please?
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
      :s@Zoffiel - not the wine - horror!!!
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    The YMCA @Josephine66

    I have, however, found a few odd things in the report. I was fixated with the body fat thing and didn't really process the rest. It seems my left arm, which has mild lymphedema, has less fat and more muscle than my 'good' arm. What? That seems unlikely. I also have no idea how this machine processed or classified the silicone foobs. I didn't mention them. I'll be selective and choose to believe that the excess is on the outside, and considering I weigh 85kgs, if the overall reading is right that's still a fair bit of bone and muscle.

    So, as a motivational tool, it's likely to work. I already knew I was too bloody fat but having it on paper, for some perverse reason, makes it a thing.

  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    True, sometimes once its in writing makes it real and forces one to face it. Im still 5 weeks from finishing chemo and ive put on 18 kgs since surgery. Its so messing with my head and cant wait for treatment to be done so i can get stuck into losing weight. At the moment riddled with muscle swelling and bone pain with fatigue and fluid retention so limited to short walks when i can. Do your best Zoffiel and youll get there x
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    That last few weeks of chemo are really hard work, @josephine66 . Popular culture has us imagining someone undergoing chemo as pale and thin and wane. The reality for many of us seems to be more beetroot red, bloated and sweating. No-one mentions the pain either.

    One step at a time. Sometimes it seems an unnecessary amount of steps. marg xx

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Was it a dexa scan @Zoffiel? I've only had the hand held bf jobs which are highly inaccurate. Once I get into HWR again (still minimum 5kg) I'm going to do one then compare later as I continue to work on developing /regaining muscle. I'm currently fantasizing again that maybe I could have a lean muscluar body...if only I wasn't so bloody lazy. Haha. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    That would be it @primek It's like a set of scales with a handpeice. I figure if it is consistently inaccurate (?) It should give me the information I need if I get another scan after the austerity program has been in place for a month.
    The weather now really suits me and I've been venturing back out on some of my favourite bushwalks, that has always toned me up better than any gym session. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Zoffiel that’s so true - before I started chemo I always had the vision of thin and pale but my reality is I have put on about 5-8 kgs in fluid bloating and feel so fat and disgusting (I know I’m not cause I was quite thin to start with) and just feel generally uncomfortable in my own skin and all my muscles ache. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh so the highly inaccurate ones. I used to get them fone at my gym and after losing 16 kg my body fat only went down 1%. It's a tool but not that helpful at times. But measurement are fabulous when working on your changing shape.