Thank you for your support

Sister Member Posts: 4,961
edited July 2018 in Health and wellbeing
I just posted a question about hair colour and it got me thinking about all of the people I've met on this site since December.  I know that I've still got a lot of "new experiences" to come but looking back on the last 8 months of diagnosis, surgery and chemo, I couldn't have done it, and stayed relatively sane, without the support of you all.  Your advice, friendship and the odd laugh has helped carry me through it.  My memory is completely shot so I apologise if I don't always remember what stage of treatment everyone is at - sometimes I can't remember what stage I'm at! - but I do care and appreciate so much the care I've been shown here.

I'm not planning on going anywhere but it seemed that the end of chemo was a good place for acknowledgement.


  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Great news @Sister that chemo done  This site and the chat here has kept many of us feeling well supported  Hope you continue to heal and recover positively. Hugs
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Well done, Gaye, CONGRATULATIONS on seeing it thru.  

    I hope you've been able to have a celebration of sorts as a fitting 'end' to the chemo treatment.  I also hope you are feeling better now & will be getting stronger & fitter again, with each passing day xxx

    Take care xxx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    So great to finish chemo. It can feel a little daunting moving into the next phase and thinking of yourself as a SURVIVOR. But you are. Welcome to the club..
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Sister congrats of having chemo done. I feel the same. I wouldn’t of gotten through all my treatments without the support of everyone here. 
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    I agree , you said it so well @sister . A big step finishing chemo . Congratulations to you.  Make sure you celebrate it and do something special for yourself.
    It's my last radiation tomorrow and I'm so excited it feels like Christmas Eve. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Thanks, everyone and woohoo @finch
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Sister you have given back as well as accepted support that is what this forum is all about ... as we go through the different stages we support others along the way with a word and Hug or sometimes pearls of wisdom are shared which lots of others benefit from... 
    Congratulations warrior  You are a survivor 
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @sister well done on finishing chemo ! 
    Have a wine or two when your feeling better ! 
    Good luck xx
    @Finch yay last radiation ! It's a great feeling hope you are on the mend soon xx
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Well said @Sister - And woo hoo @Finch - that’s awesome!