A worthwhile read

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Ten things every woman needs to know about breast cancer - Daily Mail https://apple.news/AnzQyNRhvQgOSEjR1po4O7Q
Interesting article @Romla0
Very interesting read .0
Very interesting read. For some reason I had thought that the risk of local recurrence after mastectomy was close to zero but not so! Did a bit of reading and realised the true value of the radiotherapy I am having (reduction of risk of local recurrence by almost three quarters).0
Depends a bit on the stage of the cancer and the number of affected lymph nodes. So if recommended......1
I didn’t have affected nodes and clear margins with mastectomy. No radiotherapy and chemo was a mop up that was my choice offered by the oncologist. No guarantees though.0
Thank you. Great article.0
A great read - I am sure the book will be well worth reading too.0