Breast Cancer Wellness Session - Adelaide

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@fletch and I attended this session yesterday. I said I would report back on the hormone therapy component. To be honest. I didn't feel that there were any great insights. It was pretty much a textbook presentation and I also thought that it downplayed the impact of side effects such as joint pain and sexual problems - my onc has been more forthright. However, Fletch may have gotten something different from it. There was also a speaker who talked about techniques for relaxation and to assist with constipation, diarrhoea and nausea. There were handouts for these. If anyone is interested, I will photograph these and put them up in a separate post. A woman spoke about her almost 5 year experience with BC and body image. There was also a quick presentation from the president of the Lymphoedema Assoc SA. I think that the organisers would have hoped for better numbers. I would really urge any Adelaideans to attend the next one if they can.
Yes@Sister and I had a lovely afternoon. It was informative and friendly. I got nothing from the Hormone Therapy bit, as nice as the dr was, she basically read out alot of stats and medical terms......went way over my head!
Everything else was great, including meeting other ladies at various stages of their BC rollercoaster!
I would also encourage participation when and if you can. G otta make the most of freebies in
I also came away with the re-iteration of not being alone. So very important.😍🌻3