2 years and a third of a breast ago
This time two years ago, I was at my mum’s house in deep devastation, all cried out, shock manifesting in my body all over, listening to my cat purring, stunned and numbed and quietly sitting with the new knowledge that I had stage 3 breast cancer. Making a pact with myself to either fight the fucker and live or hurry up…
Grow your own boobs!
Did anyone see the article in the paper yesterday (Adelaide Advertiser but I'm assuming it appeared everywhere as things do these days) about growing your own boobs? I didn't get a chance to read it properly but will clip it when I go to work today. I think it was something about putting a framework in and then encouraging…
Look good Feel good
Just finished the wonderful Look good Feel good course here in Adelaide of skincare , makeup and wigs/headgear.Not only were the volunteers who ran it lovely people it was good to be with other ladies undergoing treatment for cancer.The course is offered across Australia and sponsored by major cosmetic companies who…
Foods for wellbeing
I was wondering if anyone has had advice about eating for wellness or has seen a dietitian?i find it all confusing,books I’ve read say vegetarian? No dairy,just wondering what people have been told is best?one doctor told me to cut out carbs.i realise minimal sugar and minimal alcohol are advised.
Another box ticked.
So, another box can be ticked off, this morning I attended the Year 12 Graduation of my grand-daughter, I was with her on her first day of school and today I was with her on her last day of school, When I was diagnosed 5 and a half years ago with metastatic breast cancer, there were several goals I had in mind and this was…
Celebrities talk about BC
I'm not much into the whole celebrity thing and I don't even know who some of these people are. However, I thought it interesting as they share a lot of things that we have discussed on this forum. (Men here, too)…
Active treatment done, now what!!
Hi everyone, I haven’t been on here for a while, I finished the triad of treatment on the 17 th October, and am feeling a bit lost!!! People think I am all fixed and sorted, as though I have had a bad cold or something, but as we all know there are hormonal drugs, side effects, fatigue, chemo brain, surgical scars, scans,…
Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...
can anyone relate to that feeling of getting through a bloody battle of all the treatment, the horror, the fight, and then that awesome feeling of sheer happy gratitude after it’s over? and you wanted to grab everyone and hug them and swore you’d never let a single second go by without being thrilled to be alive and not…
Invasion of the body snatcher
So all week I have been taking neurofen to dull a persistently throbbing tooth. In my heart of hearts I know I have to make a dentist appointment. But you know what? I was diagnosed end April, double mastectomy a fortnight later, reconstruction 3 weeks ago. Amidst all that I had root canal and a tooth extraction. And I’m…
Vitamins and supplements
Is there a reputable fact sheet available for vitamins and mineral supplements, including possible benefits, that are ok to take alongside hormone treatment? I have just recently started taking Tamoxifen and will be moved on to AI's around December. At the moment Im taking Turmeric, Magnesium, Evening Primrose and…
A roller coaster week for me
On Monday worrying about a new lump and waiting for an ultrasound of my left breast. On Tuesday the ultrasound showed it was definitely scar tissue re-organising itself after lumpectomy in June 2017 - Yaaay!!! On Wednesday went to my first Encore class. Fantastic leader and group, in the pool every week, and belly dancing…
Vulnerability & Shame - Speaker
One of the guest speakers at the BC lunch I went to last week was talking about vulnerability and shame. I have to admit to being a little bit over the self-help pstcho-babble and inwardly cringed when we were asked to talk to our neighbours at the table but it turned out to be a very interesting presentation. It's based…
Serena singing to raise awareness
Bladder cancer
Has anyone had their breast cancer go to the bladder. I recently went to Dr for stomach pain /discomfort and after cat scan was told I have a 17mm lump in my bladder the dr has told me that this would not be causing the discomfort in my abdomen but of course now I am worried that it is cancer I don't think I'm strong…
You are invited to come & try Dragon Boating in Melbourne!!!