3 types of cancer, how do I not live in fear?
I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma 23 years ago. Was successfully treated with radiation therapy +surgery. 10years later they confirmed I had what is now considered an overdose of radiation (standard amount at the time). It caused a chronic thyroid condition, and receding gums, half my teeth fell out... healthy teeth :'( . 21 years…
Diet Gerson cancer diet?? Anyone tried
Hi all. I was diagonesd on wed. I was reading before hand about cancer fighting foods diets supplements quiting sugar etc. Coffee enemas😖 a fiend gave me a nook which follows rhe Gerson cancer centers diet. It looks strict but very beneficial. Has any taken tried doing very healthy living. I want to try just scared of…
What doesn’t kill you.........
makes you stronger. All lies. I used to be so strong it was scary. I didn’t even cry at funerals. My Osteopath recently touched my hair and chuckled as he said it was like a duckling. So is the rest of me. Fragile. Cry at the thought of someone telling me off. Cry at the remembrance of painful procedures. Fortunately I do…
What no one tells you about sex after cancer
I found this on Mama Mia ..... and couldn’t find a link ....
Hi - I hear so much about what to eat and drink that I am confused. If I drink about 2 glasses of wine a week - will this give me a higher percentage that my breast cancer will reoccur? I have finished radiation and am starting Femora in a week.. any suggestions greatly appreciated
Nothing worked
I have spent the last two days in hospital with a blockage in the upper bowel which is in turn causing me severe leg muscle pain. Movicol, senna, coloxyl, enemas, nulax, dulose, osmolax, all on top of a hi fibre diet. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Morphine, endone, tramadol for pain. Nothing works for that either. They are doing the…
New Bras, etc to my door
I know we're not supposed to mention particular businesses on this forum but I know there's a lot of women newly diagnosed here and some live in SA. I've just spent an hour with the lovely Krista Kennedy from SA Mobile Breast Care. I first found out about them when her mother saw me in hospital after surgery. This is the…
Mastectomy and Auxillary Node Clearance
Good morning Ladies, I am having a left mastectomy and auxiliary node clearance today at the QEH in Adelaide. I am just wondering if anyone can give me any tips or advice following surgery for the best way to move forward physically and emotionally. How did you cope moving forward emotionally? How did you dress, shower,…
Feedback on the Kickstart Meal Replacement Program
Following surgery to clean out an arthritic knee my health fund sent me some forms for a weight loss program run by Healthy Weight for Life. My doctor approved it so I followed through. A big box of food sachets and an even bigger manual arrived - much of which was given over to constipation which is a side-effect of the…
Cost for ultrasound
I have a lump on my right breast and my GP told me to have ultrasound. Does anyone know how much does it cost for an ultrasound and whether it is covered by medicare?
Problems with blood tests
Hi I had chemo therapy 2 years ago. When I now go for blood tests there is difficulty getting blood out of the vein in my elbow. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it caused by the chemo (I had FEC)? Has anyone got any tips for how to improve this? I also find it quite upsetting whereas prior to cancer it didn’t worry…
I had a look at this link from the Can at 40 fb site https://blog.thebreastcancersite.greatergood.com/mirelys-scars/?fbclid=IwAR2Zx8FzD_MsNNiwxIHMbSSqDaWk1_W1LWWa1cZNez_7H7qjkGUq_4571XE and something struck me. As some of you know, I'm still undecided about reconstruction and I do believe that it's a very personal choice.…
Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?
Hi guys I am really lucky in that I have 2 BIG passions that consume a lot of my time ..... and (no surprise to some of you ....) Ukulele Playing - this was a library gig we did last year .... (I am 4th from left, front row.) Our ages range from the 50s - 80s. Every 4-6 weeks we play 'gigs' at 4 Nursing Homes - and we…
Organ Donation
I just read on a bc fb site that I should have the organ donor thingie on my driver's licence taken off. It makes sense but I had never thought about it.
Breast Cancer Rehabilitation & Wellness Online Summit:
my exercise physiologist sent me this Free event coming up online very soon for anyone who has, or knows any one with Breast Cancer. Soldiercrab (note was my real name) can you share it too please? https://www.breastcancer-rehabandwellness.com/?fbclid=IwAR0hnSISA3kFnjK4zQPzgu_-Q7TMnGIWWSfJ_VnEfmFBayMtpdra1RYySq0